
They're having a ball tonight, katherine is brushing her hair. She dressed and sprayed her perfume, she pearl necklace on. She put her dress on and she was struggling.

Professor dovey walks in and saw katherine.
"You need help dear"

Katherine smiled at her and nodded. "Yes please, I'm bad at corsets" professor dovey laughed softly and smiles as she walked over.

Professor dovey helps her and ties the corset. "There you go" she walks over to melody and helps her as well.

Katherine put her dress on and heels.
She put her tiara on and twirls a bit.

 She put her tiara on and twirls a bit

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(Katherine's outfit)....

Melody smiled at katherine. "Wow sis, you look beautiful and look like mom, but we both have our dad's hair color"

Katherine smiled and walked over. "You are right, we do, but you have mom's personality"

They helped melody with the dress and katherine brushed melody's hair and put it  ponytail. "Are you nervous sis" melody said.

Katherine smiled and shakes her head.
"no, but we're going to have fun"

 "no, but we're going to have fun"

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[Melody's outfit]....

Everyone is dancing as katherine and melody showed up. Katherine is annoyed that the children villains are there, even vanessa.

(Vanessa's outfit)

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(Vanessa's outfit)....

Katherine is shocked to see that vanessa is wearing the seashell necklace.
Katherine ignores her and tries to have fun

Lady lesso is talking to professor dovey and the other professors.
She saw katherine and she was shocked by katherine's beauty.

Katherine saw her and smiled as she waved.
She walks over to lady lesso and whispered to her. "Vanessa's wearing the necklace, keep an eye on her"

Lady lesso is shocked and nodded as katherine went back to her friends.

Meanwhile vanessa is smiling evily as she looks at the seashell as it glows.

Katherine is drinking some water, she's not a drinker.  The music starts playing and she isn't a dancer. Lady lesso is looking at her and professor dovey smiled.

"Why don't you go and ask her to dance, i can tell that you like her, don't worry i won't tell anyone" professor dovey said as she smiled.

Lady lesso looks at her and smiled. "Thank you Clarissa"

Lady lesso walks over to katherine and katherine saw her and smiled. "Hey lady lesso, having fun"

Lady lesso smiled. "I am, Clarissa did amazing job, anyways do you like to dance"

Katherine is shocked and looks at her and smiled. "Yes" lady lesso leads her to the dancing floor.

Clarissa went to the musicians and whispered in their ears. They nodded and smiled as she walked away.

They play the song as katherine and lady lesso starts to dance.
Katherine is shocked and smiled at lady lesso.
"I didn't know that you can dance"

Lady lesso laughed softly. "I am full of surprises"

Professor dovey is watching them and smiled.
Lady lesso twirls katherine slowly as katherine smiled and melody is smiling. She looks at professor dovey. "Do you think that they're meant to be"

Professor dovey smiled and nodded.
"I know so, lady lesso told me that she likes katherine"

Katherine and lady lesso are at the lake. Katherine is resting her head on lady lesso's shoulder and lady lesso put a flower behind katherine's ear.

"You were amazing dancer lady lesso"

Lady lesso smiled and pulls her closer.
"So were you, but how come you don't dance"

Katherine looks at her and smiled.
"I get shy and nervous, i have never dance with a prince" katherine said softly and smiles.

Lady lesso nods and smiles. "I gusse it was your first dance" katherine nodded and smiled.

"It was" lady lesso cups katherine's cheek and katherine smiled and they were about to kiss.
Suddenly they were pushed to the lake.

There's two boys who are laughing.
Meanwhile vanessa was looking at the mirror and smiled evily. "Nice work boys, that was to close"

Vanessa growls frustrated. "I'm going to take katherine's voice and I'll have lady lesso to myself"

Vanessa laughed evily.....

Lady lesso helped katherine out of the water.
"You okay katherine?"

Katherine nods and smiles. "I'm alright, who pushed us"

Lady lesso looks around and saw no one.
"I don't know, but let's get you back to your dorm" lady lesso grabs katherine's tiara and they went back inside the castle........?

the little mermaid and the dean for evil Where stories live. Discover now