[ "My boombox cut out.." ]

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"PfffAHAHAHAHAA!" I laughed, looking at Skateboard.  Skateboard was telling a pretty funny story about two phighters.  He seemed to always know what was going on at all times, even when probably nobody else in the world knew it!  It was so hilarious.  Slingshot was laughing off to the side too.  We were just sitting in the grass, and just talking about random stuff.  I mean, nothing big was going on anyways, so what was there to do?   At least I was spending some time with my friends.

"Yeah man!  It was insane!  It was like he didn't even know what was going on!" Skateboard said, which resulted in him laughing his ass off along with the rest of us.  But, after a while, a bunch of these stories got boring.  I played some music on my boombox and jammed out a bit with them.  I was listening to my music, while Slingshot and Skateboard were talking.

Skateboard spoke, "Hey!  How about I race you all the way to that fence over there!" He said, pointing to a fence that was about  60-100ft away.

"Just make sure you don't ram your head into it somehow." Slingshot snickered.

"I won't!  I'll beat you, just you watch me!  You're gonna be so embarrassed when I win!" Skateboard shot back at Slingshot.  He then turned to me.  "Hey, Boom!"

I tilted my head, looking over to them, "What's up?"

"Could you time us on who gets there first, or something??" He asked me.

"Sure, I'd be happy to!" I replied, getting my phone out, ready to time them.  "Three..two..one, GO!" I shouted.  Slingshot dashed off and Skateboard skated away.  I started my timer as soon as I said go, and watched them.  They were so fast, I couldn't even imagine going that speed.  Insane.  As I was watching them, Skateboard reached the fence first, this time not slamming his face into it.  Surprising.  Slingshot made it only a second or two after.  The two of them laughed all the way out there, or I think they were.  All the sudden, Skateboard stopped, and stared off.  After a few seconds, Slingshot looked over as well, before the both of them went off in a sprint.  Well, Skateboard was skateboarding, of course.  I, myself, was confused.  Maybe they were racing again?  I mean, they probably were.  I stopped my timer and started it again, watching them run off.  I followed them with my eyes, watching.  Soon enough they got out of my view.  I should probably follow them.  I got up, and began to walk after them, when—


I fell flat on my face, right into the ground.  Dammit..what did I trip on?  I looked back, still not getting up, when I saw a vine wrapped around my ankle.  I was a bit confused..vines don't grow around here.  I turned my body around, and attempted to pull the vine off my ankle.  God, this thing was actually pretty strong.  I didn't have anything sharp on me to cut it off.  "SLING?  SKATE?  YOU THERE?  I NEED SOME HELP!" I yelled out. 

No response.

They were probably already long gone.  I sat, and now laid down on the grass, looking up at the sky.  When..someone looked down at me.  Vinestaff?  No..that couldn't be Vinestaff..she wasn't a robot..I think.  Yeah, she was never a robot!  "Vinestaff!"  I said, a bit scared.  "Could you help me get this vine off my ankle?  It'd be pretty appreciated!  I need to catch up with Sling and Skate!"  But she didn't respond.  She just stared at me.  It was..creepy.  All the sudden, I could feel something around my neck.  My hands immediately went there, to discover it was a vine around my neck.  "Vine?!" I said, panicked.  "What the hell are you doing!?"

She stared, before saying one thing.  "Hush."

The vine tightened around my throat, as I struggled to breathe.  I tried yelling out for help, but I couldn't say anything, because of the lack of air.  I gasped for air, desperately. 

God..I can't keep my eyes open anymore..

But I have to...

I can't Disappoint Sling and Skate like that..

Maybe just..a quick rest.


Inhumane Sentience (Phanfic)Where stories live. Discover now