iv ) exploding potions and floating books

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exploding potions and floating books

exploding potions and floating books

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Songs referenced in CHAPTER FOUR...

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Back to the Old House - The Smiths

Changes - David Bowie

Word Count: 3,477

HER SOCKED FEET flexed to the beat of the song. Fingers slowly tapping against the case of her Walkman. Nova Lupin was an avid music listener. She liked to turn the volume all the way up and just lay and listen. Her Dad said it would make her go deaf, but she didn't give a care in the world.

'Are you still there?
Or have you moved away?
Or have you moved away?
I would love to go
Back to the old house'

It was one of her Dad's old tapes that she probably wasn't supposed to have. Nova had found it in the attic when looking for her old photo albums. It was in a box labelled 'Moony' in a loopy, cursive font. It had been sealed a while ago, and a thick, layer of dust had accumulated on top on it.

The tape itself hadn't been from her Dad's childhood or anything. It was from when they'd moved into the house and was a mix of tastes and artists. It was odd. Many of the songs on the tape, she knew her Dad would not listen to.

The curtain surrounding her bed was yanked back and Hermione's face stared down at her. Her music was too loud to hear her, but she could lipread her saying 'Nova'. Well, it was that or Hermione had said 'no' in a really obnoxious way. She slipped one headphone out of her ear and sat up.

"You're going to be late." she grumbled. "You already missed breakfast."
"I'll get up now." Nova muttered, sitting up completely and stopping the track.
Hermione nodded at her before leaving, purposefully forgetting to close the curtain.

Nova groaned, but nonetheless got off her bed and grabbed her shoes. She pulled them on and swung her schoolbag over her shoulder. It was old thing that had been patched many times, but it did it's job. Nova checked once more to make sure all her schoolbooks and equipment were inside (she'd forgotten her bottle of African sea salt and a quill) and shoved her Walkman into one of the sections of her bag.

Hermione, as well as Lavender, Parvati and Padma had already left and presumably gone to their lessons. She took a quick glance at her timetable, which Hermione had pined to the wall, to see she had Potions. Double Potions. Suddenly, she was glad to have to get her wound checked by Madam Pomfrey.

A GIRL'S GUIDE TO THE STARS • nova lupinWhere stories live. Discover now