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It's  been a few weeks since they had sex. But let's go back to what happened a few hours after.


The next morning, both Jin and y/n had woken up at the same time. Still in each other's embrace .

"Good morning gorgeous" Jin said moving away the hair from her face.

"Good morning my love" y/n said planting a kiss on Jin's plump lips.

They both rolled to their sides and started their morning routine. Jin finished before y/n since she was doing her makeup for work.

Jin was downstairs making some yogurt and  granola cups with strawberries and some other berries. She came downstairs with her purse in her hands.

"Oh that looks good" she said

Jin smiled

"I don't know if I told you this before but when I was little I wanted to have my own restaurant or my own cooking show."

He looked up and handed her one cup with a spoon.

"Cooking with chef Jin, it's what I would've named it"

Jin's smile slowly died down. Y/n noticed this and walked closer to him. She began caressing his cheek and kissed him again.

"You know you can still do it, I'll support you in all your dreams" she said

Jin smiled sincerely

"Thank you y/n"

That same day in the office, Seokjin was in a meeting. He was paying attention to the information that was being given, but slowly drifted just to day-dream land and began thinking about the night before. But before he could get another boner he thought of something

"Did we use protection?" He through. He looked at y/n who was typing in her iPad all the key components of the slides.

"We didn't"

After a long day at work, they were both at Jin's place eating dinner. Y/n couldn't stop talking about the new gossip that's been going on at the office.

"And do you remember the guys that sits next to Jungkook ? Next to his cubicle? Well he got a girl pregnant!" She said excitedly

"Apparently they planed it all along and they're getting married once the baby is born"

Jin smiled and took a bite out of his food. Once he finished chewing he looked up at her and talked.

"Speaking about....pregnancies...last night, did we use protection?" He asked hoping y/n would say yes. Her eyes widen. She also tried to think of any memories that she had regarding a condom or pulling out before he reached his climax but nothing came to mind.

"We did not" she said slowly.

"Let's go buy a test" Jin said

Him or me?  Jin  ff. Ft Namjoon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu