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Skeleton's POV
,,Joining a School"

I woke up, blinking a few times to clear my vision. I could hear the voices of two mobs talking right in front of me.



I got up, but my vision turned dark for a few seconds. I wrapped my left arm, the arm with less burn scars, on the tree to support myself. The mobs talking were a zombie and a creeper. Zombies and creepers in general did not have any opinions towards skeletons, but I wasn't sure how aggressive these two would be.

The zombie must have noticed my movement first, as he turned around and stopped listening to the creeper who was talking. He waved at me. "Hi!!! I'm a zombie, so call me Zombie! This is my friend Creeper! We noticed you passed out under the tree and you looked like you needed a place to stay so you should definitely join our school! We'll make a bunch of friends-!"

"Zombie!" The creeper scolded. "Don't give out your name just yet, we don't know if he's a threat! Not that he could be, but still." I decided to take that last sentence as an offensive insult. Of course I could be a threat! Not that I would want them to think of me as one, of course, but I did not like how he said I couldn't be a threat.

"But Herobrine said he can join if he has no place to go, and if he wants to! I'm sure you want to, right? We don't have a skeleton yet. I've heard they're all very secretive, similar to wither skeletons!" Zombie exclaimed.

"Simila- similar to wither skeletons!?! In no way they are similar to us! They are all lying, deceiving snakes who kill skeletons because according to them, we are weak!"

Zombie's eyes widened while Creeper looked at Zombie with an expression that mimicked 'you shouldn't have said that' and 'this is why you let me do the talking.'

"I'm sorry!" Zombie apologized. "I completely forgot that skeletons and wither skeletons are in a war right now! I don't usually pay attention to history much." Creeper rolled his eyes.

"He is sorry, but we're forgetting about the reason why we're talking to you. My teacher and this dimwit insisted that if you don't have a home, you should join us at monster school. Or don't, I don't really care." Creeper got smacked in the face by Zombie. "AHH- I mean- I do care! I do care, totally!"

"I'll join." I quickly replied. I did need a place for a home. And if this 'school' doesn't end up becoming one, I'll just leave.

"Yay!" Replied Zombie cheerfully.

"So we didn't need to convince him," mumbled Creeper at the same time.

"I'm gonna go get Herobrine! Creeper, please don't kill him-" Zombie said before he started running off to find whoever it was. Heirbrine?


Me and Creeper ended up making a bit of small talk. Creeper started it. For what reason, I don't know, because the guy didn't seem like the type to socialize, but I guess he did it to prove to Zombie he can actually talk to people or something.

"I see you two are getting along. That's nice. Creeper took a long time to get along with the others." I turned around and saw the figure of a steve guy but with white eyes.

My first response was, "are you a player!?!"

The figure, which I assumed was named Heirbrine, laughed at the response. "No, I'm not. Players wish they were me. I'm a creepypasta, something you'll learn about in school, if you do join us." He replied to me.

If this school actually teaches me, that means I can have my childhood back. Screw you, Giana! I don't even consider you my mother anymore, how sad is that?

"So, Zombie here has told me you would like to join. If you do, you must know that we are still a school, so you do learn stuff. I've only started teaching recently, so you're not that far behind. Also, you are a skeleton, correct?" I nodded my head. "Well, what would you like us to call you? All the mobs here prefer being called their species name, like Zombie and Creeper, as it gives them bad memories. Is that something you want too?"

"Yeah, sure." I responded. Being called Haley reminded me of my mother, since she was the one that named me. I didn't want to be reminded of my mother.

"Also, since you are a skeleton... oh, that's not good.. We have a wither skeleton-"

"WHAT." I yelled. Herobrine looked away.

"Yeah... we have a wither skeleton. I know your species is at war with them, but trust me, he is nothing like the others!"

Nothing like the others!? Pleh, all wither skeletons were raised to lie and deceive. They were all the same.

"I hope you two can give each other a chance."

A chance. As if two species, who were at war with each other and believe they are right, could even give each other a chance. When they were constantly told the other side is horrible and disgusting, they could easily give each other a chance. Right?

Not really.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 11 ⏰

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