Chapter 12

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Reich sat down at the dining table while Soviet Union took care of the food. "Russia, please come here!", was heard from the kitchen. Russia ran from the living room to the kitchen, where his father stood and asked his son: "Please take care of the cutlery." "No problem Dad!", said the child.

Russia then took forks and spoons. Reich took a closer look at the room she was in. When Russia had finished putting out the cutlery and glasses and filling them with water, he sat at the table next to Third Reich.

Russia's siblings also came to the table. Soviet Union placed plates of food in front of everyone before they sat down. There was spaghetti with tomato sauce. The noodles were cut for Reich, Ukraine and Russia, while the rest of the table got them uncut.

Reich was a little confused until the school trips came back to her head. She was a little unsure about eating it, again worried that it might be poisoned. She risked it after she saw everyone else at the table start to eat.

Third Reich opened her mouth and sucked in air so she could talk, her throat hurt a little but she tried to talk anyway, having forgotten what her brother had told her. In a hoarse voice that hurt her a little, she said quietly: "Enjoy your meal!"

She then had to cough and clear her throat a bit because it was uncomfortable in her throat. "Reich Weimar said you shouldn't talk.", Soviet reminded her worriedly. Reich had to drink the water, which made her feel better. Her mistake caused her to look more to the side, away from Soviet Union and also look even more at her food.

"Reich is everything good?", Soviet asked her. Third Reich nodded, took her spoon and began to eat. Soviet then also wished everyone at the table a good appetite and the children also joined in. During the meal, Soviet kept looking at Reich and felt bad.

Soviet finished first of all and politely waited for everyone to finish. After the last person at the table was finished, Soviet collected everyone's cutlery and took it to his dishwasher. Reich also got up and hobbled back to her room.

She didn't want to sit on the couch with Soviet and his children. It just didn't feel right to her. She sat on the bed and stared at the wall, trying to remember old times as best she could. Everything was happening in her mind's eye.

She remembered how she and Soviet Union saw each other for the first time away from the classroom. Third Reich was putting on her jacket when Soviet came to her and asked what her name was. She told him her name and was very surprised that he was so different from everyone else in the class.

At the time, Reich was a big fan of birds and Soviet spoke to her about it. An enthusiastic conversation about eagles and falcons developed. They both got along well, but then the rest of the boys in the class came and started talking to Soviet Union and steering him away from her, before saying harsh words to her again that she didn't deserve any friends and that she should stop it to try.

Then one of them hit her and she hit back, but then more came to hit her and she kept hitting back until the teacher came. Everyone blamed her again and the teacher scolded her for it. She tried to tell the truth, but who wanted to hear the truth?

Reich was interrupted from her thoughts by someone knocking on the doorframe of her room. She looked over at Soviet Union who was coming closer to her. He sat down next to her and asked, "What were you thinking about?" Reich was surprised that Soviet Union would ask such a thing, but she got her writing materials.

She wrote: I remembered our first conversation. "Do you remember what we talked about?", he asked. She picked up an eagle plush toy. Soviet said: "Exactly! Now I remember, we talked about which eagle has the largest wingspan and which species of falcon live nearby."

Third Reich put her eagle back with the other stuffed animals. "What was that actually about? I was there in the classroom and didn't really notice anything. Reich wrote: They hit me and I hit them back. "I kind of thought so. It was incredibly mean of them.", said Soviet Union.

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