Chapter 10

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When Reich wanted to take her luggage out of the car, Soviet Union was already carrying everything to the front door. Her luggage was two full suitcases, mostly with stuffed animals in them. She has often been teased about her stuffed animals as stuffed animals have always been portrayed as something for children, but her stuffed animals are a protection to her as she was constantly scared.

Third Reich suffers from paranoia. She is constantly afraid that someone or something will want to harm her, but no one knew that because she didn't trust anyone enough to do so. Slowly she strolled after Soviet to the front door. As soon as Soviet opened it, four children came up to him and hugged their father.

Reich was amazed that Soviet Union had children. Third Reich saw him three times a week, but she didn't know that he had children. The children greet their father before asking: "Who is she?" "This is Third Reich. I know her from school and I'm supposed to look after her for a week because she has no one else to look after her right now.

She should move as little and talk as little as she can, so please be careful.", he asked them. The children approached Reich and introduced themselves. "Hello, I'm Ukraine, nice to meet you!", shouted the girl, who was probably 5 years old. The smallest girl came up to her and said: "I'm Belarus, I already like you!"

She was probably 4. Then came the last girl, who was probably 7 or 8 years old: "Nice to meet you Third Reich, I'm Estonia!" "H-Hello, I'm Russia and I-I... n-nice to meet you.", says the last one, who was probably 6 years old. Reich thought the kids were really cute, but she didn't know much about children, so she was a bit afraid of making any mistakes.

She smiled at the four children for introducing them, before Soviet Union asked: "Would you like me to show you your room?" Reich nodded slightly and slowly went with him. She walked slowly towards the stairs when Soviet was already halfway up. Third Reich made her way upstairs and followed him to the room she was supposed to stay.

Slowly Soviet put the two suitcases down on the ground and Reich almost fell down again, but luckily Soviet caught her in time. Since Third Reich made no effort to get up, Soviet picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"I'll think of something so you can just come get me when you need me without having me to check on you every fifteen minutes. I'll make something to eat and I'll check on you again in ten minutes, unless you have a wish.", sayed Soviet Union.

She slowly nodded and retrieved her pad and pen from her suitcase, but before she could do that, Soviet asked: "Would you like a glass of water?" She looked at him and nodded. "Then I'll take care of it immediately.", he said and got her a glass of water. Reich had taken out her pad and pen.

Shortly thereafter, Soviet came to her with a long string, a bell, tape, scissors and the glass of water. Then she turned her head questioningly. Soviet Union replied: "My kids got the idea that I could craft something with the string and the bell that would let me know when you need me."

He then put the glass of water on the bedside table and cut off some pieces of string. He taped the smaller pieces to the wall on either side of the short cord, making sure the long cord was held in place by the short ones, allowing the longer cord to move.

Soviet walked it along the ceiling to the living room and attached the small bell at the end. After that he went back to Third Reich. "Pull it and I'll see if it works.", he said and went back downstairs.

After a while she kept pulling and after a few seconds he was back up and said: "Maybe you could pull it a little more, but other than that it works." She then pointed to the TV in the corner. Soviet knew what she wanted and explained to her how it worked.

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