Chapter 9

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The door opened and Weimar came out of the room. "Soviet Union, could I ask you something?" Weimar asked. "Yes, is it about Reich?", Soviet asked worried. Weimar replied: "Yes, someone must take care of her, as she should move as little and use her voice as little as possible for two weeks.

Unfortunately, I cannot be there for my sister, so I ask you to take care of her together with your children. I'm aware of your past, but just the fact that you saved her life tells me that it could be a rather positive experience for her.

Would you take care of my sister Soviet Union?" "If your sister is okay with that, I will take care of her as best as I can for the two weeks. I want to make up for my mistakes.", replied the tall Countryhuman.

"Then I'll tell my sister about it. Please wait here.", Weimar asked before entering the sickroom again. It was about ten minutes before Weimar and the Third Reich came out of the room. Reich looked down and held onto her brother a little.

Soviet hearts ached at the sight of anxious Reich. "Please take good care of my little sister.", Weimar asked. Soviet Union assured in a calm voice: "I will." Weimar walked a little bit from his sister and wanted Soviet Union to take over his position, but Reich preferred to cling to the wall instead.

It hurt Soviet to see her like that, but he understood her behavior very well, nevertheless he offered her his hand. Reich looked at his hand and pressed herself even more against the wall. "Reich I really don't want to hurt you anymore.", Soviet Union said. Reich turned her head away from him and tried to walk faster.

Eventually she was faster than her legs could carry her and she fell. The first to be with her was Soviet. Reich didn't want to get up and lay down on the floor. Soviet Union got on his knees and asked: "Please get up again." However, she shook her head and covered her face with her arms.

"Are you hurt?", he asked. She looked up at him and saw his worried face. Then she looked at her hands and turned so that she could see her legs. She then shook her head and laid it on the floor. Soviet carefully placed his hand a few inches from her face.

When she saw his hand, she looked up at him and turned her head questioningly, which made him smile a little. She straightened up and wanted to grab his hand, but her hand twitched a lot from her insecurity. Third Reich took her hand back and looked up at Soviet Union once more.

He still looked worriedly at Reich. Third Reich hesitantly dared another attempt to take Soviet's hand. After a few tries, she put her hand on his, then Soviet Union moved his other hand gently to Reich's other hand, which he carefully took.

Then he slowly stood up and carefully pulled Reich up until she was standing on her feet again. Soviet then released her hands. Reich didn't let go of one of his hands to make it easier for her to stand. Then they slowly left the building. It was raining and not many people were out on the streets.

"You stay here, I'll be right back." Soviet said at the entrance and exit of the building. She was quite confused when he walked through the rain. When she couldn't see him anymore, Reich just walked outside without thinking too much about it. A little later she saw a car that stopped next to her.

Someone got out and came to her. "Reich?", Soviet asked confused and walked towards her. He opened his umbrella, making sure that Reich was sheltered from the rain. He added: "Please get in my car." The tall Countryhuman opened the door of the car and Reich climbed in hesitantly and slowly. They drove to Reich's house, where she got some of her belongings and then drove with Soviet Union to his house.

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