Chapter 5

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Again, Reich woke up in a bed full of fur and without clothes. Annoyed, she got up and went downstairs. Today she had to go to her brother's and she wasn't exactly thrilled about it. She needed a few more hours and then went to her brother. Today she walked the way because the way wasn't very far.

She slowly ambled down the path and looked down, hooded slightly over her face to make her feel a little more comfortable. Out of nowhere it started raining and people started running. Reich happily took down her hood since there was almost no one on the street now anyway.

She loved the rain because people would flee the streets quickly and the drops felt wonderful every time they landed on her skin, hair or clothes. She arrived at the hospital wet and went to the reception desk. A woman there told her where to go.

Immediately Reich went to her brother. After looking at the wound, he said it had healed quite a bit and she should come back in a week. Afterwards, Reich went home in the pouring rain, where she was bored. Nothing happened until the evening and she eventually fell asleep again.

Russia waited for the wolf again in the night. Soviet was still very cautious as he still didn't trust the animal. The wolf came back and played with the little Countryhuman, who couldn't get enough because his sisters hardly ever played with him. After that night, Russia told his siblings about the wolf.

Reich just lay around the whole day again and didn't leave her house, she didn't even go into the garden. She continued to plan her suicide, in which room, what time and how she wanted to kill herself. She made a shopping list for tomorrow, but she didn't do much other than listen to sad music all day long.

In the night, the other children met the wolf. The children loved her and played with the wolf for a long time until the wolf heard something in the bushes and stopped where she was. Soviet Union immediately went there. The children stopped and looked at the animal.

The animal walked closer to the bushes and began to growl. Suddenly she ran into the bushes and after a short while there was a shot from a gun and a whimper. Shortly thereafter, the she-wolf limped out of the bushes and the children ran towards her.

A woman came out of the bushes and said: "Finally I have you!" She aimed her gun at the wolf. "Austria?! What the hell are you doing here?", Soviet Union asked angrily. She replied: "I've been chasing that werewolf for a few days and this time she won't escape me!"

"Werewolf? What nonsense are you talking about? There are no werewolves and I won't let you harm the poor animal any more!", the big man grumbled and placed himself between the wolf and Austria. "Get off my property right now!", he added.

Then she left, knowing she didn't stand a chance against him. Soviet Union then turned back to the wolf and his children. He carefully picked up the wolf, who was struggling a bit, and carried her into the house. The children got an old blanket for the wolf to lie on.

After she lay down, Soviet Union tended to her injured leg. She kept whining, but she didn't grab his hand or hurt him in any way, as if she trusted him. After Soviet Union bandaged the wound, the she-wolf even licked his hand.

He stroked her and the children hugged or stroked them. The she-wolf licked the children on the hand or on the face. At some point the children went to bed and only Soviet was with her and gave her something to drink.

Somehow he didn't want to go to bed, but when the wolf fell asleep, he went to bed anyway and fell asleep peacefully.

The real monster / Reich x SowjetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora