Chapter 11

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After he took care of the food briefly, Soviet Union brought Reich some books for her to read. So Soviet wanted tried to tell Reich that she was a werewolf, but he wasn't quite sure how and if he should tell her. He thoughtfully stirred the noodles in circles in the pot.

After a while the food was ready. Soviet went upstairs to Reich's room and found her sitting on the bed staring thoughtfully at the closet while holding a stuffed animal of a wolf in her hands and stroking it like a real animal. "Reich? Dinner is ready!", he told her calmly, not wanting to disturb her.

Startled, she turned to Soviet. He then came closer to her and she slid much further away from him. Soviet sat on the bed while Reich sat at the other end of the bed. She hugged the stuffed animal protectively as if she was afraid Soviet Union would steal it from her.

"Reich don't be afraid I don't want to steal your wolf.", Soviet Union assured her. She was still really unsure. Soviet became more and more curious about the cuddly toy. Soviet asked Third Reich: "May I look at your wolf?

Of course only if I'm allowed to do that if you don't mind." She glanced at her stuffed animal before carefully bringing it a little closer to Soviet. She very carefully handed him her wolf. Soviet Union took the stuffed animal very carefully before he took a closer look. The wolf was snow-white and had a lying position.

He gently stroked the wolf's synthetic fur, noticing how soft it was and wanting to assure Reich that he meant no harm. Soviet looked at the wolf's face. Somehow he had to remember Reich as a wolf again. But Reich had a much fluffier fur and in his opinion, had something special about her.

Soviet tried to treat the stuffed animal more like a live animal like Third Reich always did. Shortly thereafter, he gave Reich her white wolf back. She snuggled up to the wolf like it was something really special to her.

He rarely saw Reich happy because unfortunately whenever she seemed a little happy someone took that happiness away from her. He remembered her mostly as angry, sad or scared. Thankfully, Soviet finally knew he had done wrong.

Third Reich wasn't normal, but she should still be treated with respect, Soviet became more and more aware. Third Reich put the cuddly toy on her lap and got her pad and pen. She wrote: Her name is Moon. "Moon is a nice name.", Soviet found and smiled at her.

Reich took out another cuddly toy, this one was smaller. It was a budgie stuffed animal that looked familiar to Soviet. Third Reich wrote: I think you can still remember Jule. Soviet responded with: "Yes, I still remember it. We had a class trip to a camp. I was fairly new to school there.

Hungary and I made a bet who would dare to go into a girl's room and steal something there. Hungary stole Jule and you cried, but then I gave her back to you. You were so happy about it. That was before I was so mean.

I have to be honest, being so mean was the dumbest thing I could ever do. Seeing you happy is a lot nicer than seeing you hurt, unfortunately I'm only really realizing it now. I'm so sorry for what I've done to you over the years."

Soviet Union had gotten a bit depressed as he remembered how good he felt then and what he had done to her a few weeks later. Reich didn't know exactly what to do as there was a lot of emotion in what Soviet Union had just said. However, she still wasn't quite sure if he wasn't trying to trick her.

She wanted to say nice words to him, but she wasn't allowed to speak much. Third Reich decided to distract him from the matter. She got up and wrote on her pad: What about the food? Soviet read it and got up immediately before saying: "I completely forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.", he thanked her before slowly walking her out of the room and down the stairs into the dining and living room.

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