Chapter 11

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Cody woke up with his head aching and stomach nauseous. He couldn't think straight as his head pounded with pain, and his stomach rolled. Someone was trying to push him back down onto the surface he had been laying on, but he pushed them away. He had a gut feeling, other than the nausea, that he had to get his dad and tell him as soon as possible about the creature, and the man named.... his head pounded again, and Cody grunted in pain.

"Dad," He groaned to the person who he could now tell was his sister. "Get dad, it's-" He clutched his gut, grunting as he kicked out in pain. He heard his sister yell quietly as his boot connected with her shin. She was talking quickly on her phone as she tried to hold Cody down. His stomach was reeling, and he clutched it, feeling the hole in his shirt.

His body was in really bad pain, and he slid off the cot onto the cold floor, gasping as the pain moved from his stomach to his chest. He felt a small cut under the shirt cloth, but he gave another spasm as pain shot through his body.. Dani was trying to help, but as she grabbed his bare arms, he jerked back involuntarily, hitting his head on the floor and pulling Dani down. Blades was panicking as he watch the two siblings fight.

"Blades! Try and grab Cody! He needs to be restrained before he hurts himself more!" Dani yelped as she narrowly dodged a spastic kick from her little brother, who was much stronger than she had accounted for. As Blades headed over to hold Cody, she rolled over onto her back, the sound of police sirens told her that her dad was arriving.

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay," Dani muttered to herself as she picked herself up and went to grab some painkillers and water bottles. Blades was left holding a squirming Cody who was still trying to form words while in obvious pain. As Doc Green and the rest of the Burns family ran into the garage, Dani was beckoning Blades to lower Cody so she could help him.

"Dani!" Chief Burns yelled as he watch Cody buck and twist in Blades hands as Dani tried to administer a painkiller to him. "What's going on?!"

"I don't know other than he's in really bad pain! He might be having something messing with his head that's causing him to have spasms, maybe a drug or-" Dani's sentence was cut off as Cody managed to get one of his arms out from Blades' grip and lashed out to grab at the air in front of her face.

Chief and Doc ran over and as Doc held back Cody's arm, Chief heard Cody whisper, "Cut on my chest... burns..." Chief pulled at the tear in the shirt until he spotted the area of the scratch. The scratch itself was tiny, but there was a large area spreading from the scratch that looked as if someone had attempted to burn vein marks into the skin.

Dani came over, took one look at the mark, and sped off to grab the supplies she needed. Kade helped Doc and Chief to hold Cody down on the floor, allowing Blades to stop holding onto the boy, which was concerning the bot greatly. However, with Doc Green and Frankie present, none of the bots could freely express their concerns.

Just as Dani came back with a small cloth and vial of blue substance, Cody spasmed again, this time nearly pulling his arm out of its socket on Kade's side. Tears streamed down Cody's face as cut on his chest pulsed for the briefest of moments before Dani poured a small bit of the blue stuff on the scratch and held the cloth over the area of black veins.

There was a moment where Cody gave another jerk, almost removing the cloth from his chest, then his body relaxed. Everyone let out a breath they didn't realize they were holding, until Cody started coughing hard. He tried to sit up, but with Doc and Kade holding down his arms and Chief keeping his legs down, he failed miserably.

"What was that stuff Dani?" Kade asked as he let go of Cody's arm.

"It was a poison antidote that Doc made a while back," Dani said, her body relaxing slightly. "I figured that the cut had been poisoned with something we didn't know about, so I used Doc's antidote. He was right, it did work on any poison. Luckly."

"Dad," Cody gave a series of hacking coughs, which led to Graham running to fetch a water bottle nearby. He continued in a raspy voice. "Dad, there was a thing in the woods, I followed it and-" another series of coughs, followed by a cup of water.

"Dad it was huge, the thing in the woods. I got lost so bad though, I thought I- *cough* -I could find my way back, but I couldn't. It was at the big creek, that one that becomes a river near Mount Griffin. The thing was there, and so was a man, he-" Cody cut off again, this time coughing so hard that he had to sit up to catch his breath. Chief held up his hand to keep his son from talking more.

"Cody, you can tell us more later, but there is something very important that you need to tell us first," He said, his son nodding that he understood. "Do you know who took you? Was the thing a person who took you?" Cody shook his head no.

"It wasn't a person who took me at first dad," he said, staring intently at his father's face. "I followed this giant creature, and then when I was trying to hide from it at the creek, a- *cough* -man in safari clothes got me. He tried to use me to get the creature, but it didn't work. The thing cut the rope and I ran away," Cody took a breath so he could continue even faster, so his dad couldn't interupt.

"Dad, the thing could breath fire, it's what started the fire at the campsite. The man, he wanted it for his island. He chased me when I ran and tried to kidnap me again, but I got away. Dad, you can't let the man, Quarry, get the creature, you got to find him. I can help, I can-" Chief held up his hand to cut Cody off. His face was very serious.

"Dani, I want you and Blades to do a thorough fly by of the entire island, look for any sign of Quarry. Kade, you and Heatwave will go and search the northeast part of the woods near Mount Griffin, Chase and I will go through the southwest. Graham and Boulder, you two will search the tunnels, use Boulder's sonar search device. Doc, can I trust you and Frankie to watch over Cody and keep him here?" Chief ordered. Doc and Frankie nodded, then helped Cody get up and head towards his room.

Cody felt a little sad that his dad didn't want him to help, but quickly realized that he felt awful. He hadn't slept for over 24 hours, neither had he eaten food, and his stomach and aching body was telling him so. As Doc helped him climb into his bed, Cody didn't even try to find a comfortable position. As his head rested on his pillow, he didn't even mind as his shoes were pulled off and his door closed. Sleep overtook him seconds later.

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