Chapter 4

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     Dani and Blades arrived shortly after the slightly cryptic message Cody's father had to him. Cody waved goodbye to Frankie and Doc Green before hopping into Blades' cockpit. The rescue bot proceeded to fly into the air and away from the lab.

     "Come on Blades!" Dani grumbled at her partner. "Fly faster! Dad wants us to help Kade and Heatwave with the fire!"

     "Ouch! Believe me, I want to get there like you, but can we please not fly so high?" Blades winced as Dani gave a particularly rough tug oh his controls. She sighed.

     "Only if you fly faster than we are currently flying right now." She retaliated. Blades gave what sounded like a relieved sigh and proceeded to hover closer to the treetops. Soon, Cody could see the tops of the burnt trees.

     "Hey Dani," Kade jumped onto the com link suddenly, causing Cody to jump a little. "Are you here yet? We've got some people who were caught in the fire. You're the one with the medical skills, so get here fast already!" Dani gave an annoyed growl, although her face soon became worried.

     "Blades, I see Kade and Heatwave. Take us down." Her voice was serious, and as the bot landed, she immediately hopped our and started to check over a small group of people who were watching Kade and his bot put out the rest of the fire. Cody got out from Blades' cockpit as well and headed over to his brother.

     "Lucky that we caught the fire in time," Kade was telling Heatwave. "This wasn't as bad as I thought it could be."

     "Any idea on what caused the fire?" Cody asked, looking at the burned trees around them. It was at a small campsite, but the fire pit had not been used.

     "Someone probably was careless and threw down a lit match or something. Anyway, I'm gonna call dad and see if he and Graham are finished with their stuff. Don't get into trouble." Kade pointed at his youngest sibling before walking in the direction if Dani, pressing his com link. Cody sighed at looked up at Heatwave.

     "Do you have any ideas for what caused the fire?" Heatwave quietly asked Cody in his gruff voice. Cody shook his head.

     "Not yet. I'm gonna have a quick look around first before dad gets here." Cody explained before starting to jog off in the direction of the burned trees and campsite. Heatwave sighed, but before he could try and get the boy's attention, Kade started to shout at the fire bot.

     "Hey, fire bot!" Heatwave rolled his eyes behind his visor before robotically walking to his partner.

     Meanwhile, Cody was off looking around the campsite, which was partially set under a stone overhang. The ground was charred and crunched under his boots, while tiny flakes of white ash fluttered by his face. The bark on the trees were black and rugged and when Cody gently brushed his hand against a tree, the bark fell away, revealing the still faintly glowing inside of the tree.

     As he explored the campsite, something caught his eye. He bent down and moved a fallen branch, revealing what looked like three large claw marks, gouged into the solid stone. The middle claw mark was bigger than Cody's hand, and he traced the carvings in shock. These didn't look like they were made by humans, but rather some large animal, maybe a bear?

     The longer Cody looked at the marks, the more he realized that they were not from a bear, but rather something even bigger. What the thing was, he wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

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