Chapter 10

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     Cody closed his eyes and slept as Chase headed onto the road towards the town of Griffin Rock. Chief Burns noticed and gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. He didn't know who had taken Cody, or what had happened to him while he was missing. There were scratches all over Cody's face, and dirt all over his clothes, which were torn and his pants were soaked. His right hand was bleeding, and his knees were scabbed over. His hair was messy and pieces of twigs and leaves were caught in the blonde hair. It also seemed as if Cody hadn't slept until the drive.

     Chase pulled up to the firehouse, parked and opened the doors of his cabin. Chief stepped out and was met by Kade and Graham, overlapping questions about Cody, where he had been found, was he okay. Dani picked the sleeping Cody up and took him inside the firehouse.

     As Dani laid Cody onto a small foldout cot, she noticed an extremely large tear in his green shirt. She hadn't noticed it when she had carried him inside, but as she pulled of his jacket, a single strand of what looked like white fur poked out from the shirt's material, caught in the fabric.

     Dani teased the strand out, which was incredibly long, and set it in a plastic baggie. She then proceeded to clean Cody's wounds, starting with his hand. It looked worse than it was, while there was caked blood over the wound, it came off easily, revealing what looked like a small stab wound. Dirt was also caked around the broken skin, but Dani easily cleaned the dirt off.

     Cody shifted in his sleep, his face frowning a bit unconsciously as Dani wrapped up the hand wound. She then started to clean the knees, which were scabbed with mud, when Graham and Kade came over. The bots were watching Dani and Cody intently, all of them hoping that he was not injured severely. Graham picked up the baggie and looked at the single strand of fur inside.

     "What's this?" He asked Dani, turning the baggie over to look closer at the weird strand inside.

     "I don't know, and at the moment, I couldn't really care less," she retorted, putting a bandaid on a cut on Cody's forehead. "Right now, I'm busy with the fact that my baby brother is hurt, he was gone for an entire day, and was found a few miles from where he had disappeared from." Dani pasted another bandaid on Cody's face, this time on his cheek.

     Chief Burns walked over to Dani and leaned over to see his son. Dani had cleaned up Cody's cuts and scratches, and taken some of the sticks and leaves from his hair. Without the jacket on, Cody looked small and vulnerable. The large tear in his green shirt didn't help either. Graham was still inspecting the baggie when Kade piped up.

     "So, did you find the person who took Cody?" He asked, his face scrunched in frustration. His arms were crossed and he stood tall and defiant. Chief shook his head.

     "No, but I found Cody near the lake while he was trying to run away from me. I believe he thought I was someone else." Chief Burns said. A ringing sound echoed through the room, and Graham pulled out his phone. After a minute he turned it off and turned to his family.

     "It's Doc," He said. "He wants us to come over to the lab."

     "What about Cody?" Kade asked, pointing at his sleeping little brother. " we can't just leave him here."

     "Blades and I can stay here," Dani piped up. "Keep us updated, okay dad?"

     Chief nodded while the others started to head out for the lab. Graham pocketed the plastic baggie and turned toward Dani, Blades and Cody.

     "While we're at the lab, I'm gonna run some tests on the wierd strand. It might be some fiber from the clothing of Cody's kidnapper." He said, then left the firehouse with the others.


     At the lab, Doc Green was talking to Chief and Kade about the finished tracking device while Graham and Frankie ran tests on the white strand. The tracking device was sitting on a table, cables and wires wrapped around a cylinder that buzzed and crackled with power. It was only about a foot tall, but as Doc Green demonstrated...

     "It'll track anything that's on the island! If you give it the corresponding information it needs, of course. That being said, did you find anything that could be used to find the person who took Cody?" Doc Green asked, concern on his face.

     "Possibly, but we're not entirely sure," Chief said, gesturing to Frankie and Graham, who were hovering over a small table and either jotting down notes or tapping on small screens. "I don't even know how Cody even got to where he was without anyone noticing. He was only a few feet away from Dani and Graham, along with their robots."

     "Dad!" Graham's voice alerted the adults, who rushed over to join Kade, Graham and Frankie. "You've got to come see what we've found." The engineer pushed up his glasses as he held up the strand with a pair of tweezers.

     "Dani had this in a baggie as she was helping Cody. This... strand isn't from clothes. It's a type of fur that shouldn't exist here. It's made out of weird DNA strands that Frankie found, and its way too long to be from a human head. Also, it's incredibly strong," Graham took a breath before continuing. "I don't think a human took Cody. I think whatever this fur strand belongs to did."

     Before anyone could say anything, Chief's phone rang again. This time, it was Dani.

     "Dad, Cody just woke up, and he's acting really strange. Uh... Cody! Ow! No, stop, it's me! Dad, get Doc over here! Cody's not okay!"

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