Chapter 1

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     Cody Burns was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. It had been a long day and even though his body wanted to sleep, his brain wouldn't comply. So he lay with his arms over his chest, securing the blanket that kept trying to slide off of his bed and let out a huffy sigh. His siblings were already asleep, his father was most likely almost asleep, and he wasn't really sure if the bots were sleeping to. He turned his head over to look at the clock on his dresser. The numbers 12:34 glowed in the darkness of the room. Cody groaned, turning to one side, looking out the window across the room. From this vantage point he could see the top of Mount Griffin peering just over the forest below it.

     The moon was illuminating the sky, the stars seemingly flashing on and off as they danced in the vast open expanse outside Cody's window. He looked outside, his eyes widening as he threw the covers off and raced to the window. The sky above Mount Griffin was a bright orange-red, almost as if there was a wildfire in the forest. However, the light emiting from beneath the peak of Mount Griffin was almost blinding, causing Cody to squint his eyes and shield his face from the intensity of the light. As the light faded, a grating roar echoed out from the somewhere on mountain, and Cody felt the hairs on his arms stand on end.

     He instinctively took a step back from the window, nearly tripping over the clothes he had tossed onto the floor. His heart was racing and his breathing was uneven. There was only one thought racing through his brain at that moment. What could have caused that? 

     A chill lay in the bedroom air and Cody shivered, even though the window was shut tight. Something in the back of his mind told him to jump into bed and hide under the blankets until his family woke up, and his curiosity almost outweighed that idea. However, after a momentary battle in his mind, Cody leapt into his bed, pulling the covers tightly over his body. He was a shivering mess under the covers as he realized how loud that roar truly was. If he could hear the roar through a tightly closed window a few miles from the mountain, then there was something on Griffin Rock that was not supposed to be there. Right?

Griffin Rock's Secret: A Cody Burns FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now