Keep You Safe

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As the magic circle fades, Liochant drops the dishes and sighs, dropping his head down and staring as the water in the sink goes down the drain. "ᒲᔑ|| ℸ ̣⍑ᒷ ʖ╎∷↸ᓭ !¡ᒷᓵꖌ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᒲ|| ᒷ||ᒷᓭ" He grunts, his tongue slipping into his native as he makes his displeasure known. Stepping back from the sink, he turns to Lilith, who is innocently drawing at the table, completely unaware of the dangers that are about to come.

'She'll stay unaware if I have anything to do with it.'

Liochant steels his resolve, walks into the dining room, and picks up Lilith. She wasted no time putting away the crayons and drawings, making the little girl pout, her hands reaching to her unfinished drawing, still holding a crayon in her left hand. "I wasn't done!"

"I am sorry, my little love, but you and I are going on an adventure."

"Really?!" She stares into Liochant's eyes, perking up as the thought of her going on an adventure like her sister brightens her entire demeanor.

"Yes. Now we must pack if we want to make it in time to see Lady Cadenza. Let us make haste." They make their way upstairs into Liochant's temporary room, and he sets her down on his bed, making her giggle as she bounces slightly on the firm bed. He grabs a bag and starts filling it with necessary essentials: clothes for Lilith, clothes for him, and a few toys that Lilith has left in his room, for her comfort. Lilith takes this brief moment of distraction to bound around the room when something shiny and golden catches her eye. In the corner of his room, hidden against his dresser, lies a weird sword, one golden and curved, very pretty, so Lilith grabs the handle as she has seen Garroth grab it.

"Lilith, don't touch that; it's dangerous!" Liochant sweeps Lilith into his arms, grabbing the weird item in his other hand. She pouts, and even in Liochant's arm, she tries to grab the item, flailing about like an angry crow denied a coin. "But what is it?"

"It's a khopesh, a type of sword."

"Oh, why is it broken?" Lilith asks innocently, and Liochant can't help but smile—a child's innocents and all. "It's not broken; it was made to have a curve." He looks down at his sword and watches as the sunlight hits the blade, creating a golden glint. "Lilith, I think you have given me an idea. Would you like to play some dress-up?"

'The shadow knights are looking for a girl and a man in the Phoenix Drop Guard uniform, not a man in desert clothes.'

"OOoooooooo! Liochant, wear this!" Liochant adjusts his yellow robe as he puts it on over his orange shirt, tightening the belt around his waist that holds the khopesh. He turns to look at the little lady as she holds a long red sash with bronze jangles around the ends. He pats Lilith's head before tying the sash around the little girls. "I would, but it looks much better on you, my dear. No, let's head out because I think at this point I will be more weighed down by accessories than I would be in armor."

He picks her up, careful as the two sun bracers that Lilith made him wear have sharp points. Liochant isn't the only one dressed up, though, as Lilith has rather kindly taken it upon herself to wear an old snake bracelet he used to wear. Fortunately, Lilith's ears weren't pierced, so he didn't have to try to figure out how to get the wyvern ear cuff that he wore as a teen onto his child's ears.

Liochant exits Phoenix Drop on horseback, Lilith on his lap, and the two tread along the path, Liochant fighting every instinct contained to book it so as not to draw attention to himself and Lilith, though difficult as he is now as golden as the setting sun thanks to her. 'Once we are out of Phoenix Drops range, I can book it as fast as I need, but for now, slow and steady, slow and steady' He repeats as he waves at the various guards coming back into the village from patrol, giving the excuse that Lilith wanted to play princes and princesses for why he is heading to the woods with Lilith dressed up in a sash.

Eventually they make it to the woods, and Liochant makes the horse speed up, which leads Lilith to laugh as if this were the most fun thing in the world. The obliviousness and joy are a blessing that brighten Liochant's spirits as he carefully listens to the sounds of his forest. The horse leaps over a small log, making Lilith giggle loudly when a chill fills Liochant.


An arrow imbeds itself into the tree next to Liochant's head, and he immediately snaps the reins, forcing the horse to go faster. Going full speed, Liochant takes the reigns in one hand and grabs a roll of bandages from his bag before carefully turning Lilith to look at him. Her eyes are wide in terror as a child so young contemplates her own mortality.

"Lilith, I am going to need you to listen to me closely. Alright, nod your head if you understand."

Lilith nods her head, eyes still wide. He carefully adjusts the reigns as he keeps his focus on the road ahead and the child.

"Good! I am so proud of you, little one! Now, we are in danger, and we have some bad men chasing us, alright? I need you to listen to everything I say. I will keep you safe, I promise. Just hold onto me and don't let go, alright?"

They continue speeding off, with little sign of any more shadow knights, when the horse stands on his hind legs and shrieks. Liochant and Lilith are knocked off, with Liochant fortunately being able to catch the small girl. Before he can even see what is wrong with the horse, an arrow imbues itself in the horse's head with a hollow thunk. Wasting no time, Liochant secures Lilith in his arm and runs into the forest, never happier that he forewent the heavy armor for his light clothes.

'Thank Menphia Lady Katelyn made me memorize the area around Phoenix Drop.'

Liochant swerves through the forest, running at top speeds, ignoring the sting of sharp branches as they nick his face. SNAP A branch breaks behind Liochant as he stops before hiding in a bush, making sure that none of the sharp thorns scrape Lilith. He closes his eyes and slows his breathing, focusing on the noise around him. He hears the sound of heavy boots approaching.

'Two people, no three—no, there are four shadow knights, and they are gaining.'

Liochant looks down at Lilith and sees her shaking in fear. He strokes his hand through her hair and whispers, "You are so brave, Lilith, and I am sorry to ask this of you, but I need you to be very brave right now, okay?" Lilith's shaking slows for a moment, taking comfort in his small gesture of affection. "Good. After this, I am going to owe you so many muffins and cakes. Now, I am going to have to fight these bad guys, and I am going to need you to remain hidden in this bush with your eyes closed. Can you do that for me?"

Lilith nods, giving him a brave look, and Liochant's heart melts. He kisses her forehead and says, "I will be right back, I promise; just keep your eyes closed." Liochant steps out of the bush and immediately starts running in the opposite direction of the bush, making as much noise as possible to attract the attention of the knights. He stops when he makes it to a small clearing and listens to the forest.

'Good, all of the knights followed. One less worry for Lilith.'

He draws his sword, giving it one good swing before raising it to hide it in front of his chest, concealing it from the knights that are coming behind him.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. Did the little knight get tired?"

The shadow knight steps closer, and Liochant can feel his breath on the back of his neck, hot and damp. The knight places his hand on Liochant's shoulder, but he doesn't even flinch as the knight leans in closer to his ear to say,

"Now, where is the g-"


The translation of the language Liochant spoke was "May the birds peck out my eyes

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The translation of the language Liochant spoke was "May the birds peck out my eyes."

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