me core 2

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Me:*sees readers reaction/theory* "Lol, this is entertaining."

Also me:"Sooo, should I reply to the theories? Do they want me to reply?? But if I do wouldn't I be spoiling it then?? What should I do?? T-T"

Best solution=pretend you don't see it at all.

(Feel free to messege me privately on Wattpad if you want your theories to be answered. I'll gladly reply, I just don't want to spoil it for the others ^^)

Me:*peacefully scrolling through TikTok* *suddenly see a disturbing video* "Wtf-" *yeet my phone* "wait- my phone!"


Me:*arriving home after shopping with my parents* "Now, if you don't mind me I have an appointment with a special someone~"

My dad:"Who??"

Me:"My bed who else?" *drop everything and run to my room before yeeting myself onto the bed*


Mom:"What happened to you??"

Me:*a tired mess* "Sport."


Me:*is pissed and having instrusive thoughts*

Also me:*slap myself* "The heck-" *questioning my sanity.*


"Yeah, my tablet fell and now it doesn't work anymore."

Me:"oh.." *remember the time I dropped my tablet down the stairs and it still working for about a year or more*

I don't mean one step stairs, but like the whole damn stairs. I wasn't even going to the stairs! I was laying on the floor!


Me:"Where is it??" *look through the cabinets* "welp, gone it is."

My motto:"If it wants to be found then it will appear."

(I lost my things way too often that I don't even try to search for it knowing I won't find it. 🥲)


"What do you plan to do in the weekends?"


"Okay.. anything else..?"

Me:"Maybe write, but mostly sleep."

"What about going out?"

Me:"Too tiring."

"But meeting friends would surely be fun?"

Me:"Got no energy for socializing."

"... I give up."


Me:*randomly deciding to check what app I use most on my phone.*

Everything else:0 - 00000,1%

Me:"... anyways-"

Random thing/know the AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now