That's foul!

8 1 2

*talking about a math question with dice in it*

Teacher:"You could also say that you have a dice now and found it out that way"

*the class nodding*

Teacher:*randomly adds* "Just like how I roll the dice for your grades"

The class:*some gasping, in disbelief or in shock*

Teacher:"Just kidding"

"I already thou-"

Teacher:"Or not-"


Teacher:"jk jk, I can't do that"

Me in my head:"Teach! You're going to give me a heartattack!"

My math teacher is a mood..

I'm not quite sure if I had already written it, but I guess wouldn't hurt reading twice.

Apparently she used to be a troublemaker in the past and her dad had kept every warning letter(not sure what it's called in english, but it's bad to get) to remind her how troublesome she were and now it was her turn to suffer like her past teachers.

She's probably saying it to be liked by us and joke around, but I honestly believe that she used to be a troublemaker. It would explain a lot of things QwQ

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