my nicknames

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I have gotten quite a lot of nicknames actually-

The first one being "withered flower". Just my tease nickname that I got from my dear classmates. (I hate it) It's just a a little tease from them, all fun and games, nothing serious nor mean intention. (Except that one dude ÒnÓ) I just find it annoying how they repeat it all the time 😅 I get annoyed too easily-

The second is... I forgot the order 😃 anyways-:
-old/crazy grandma
-three head
-my favourite nickname
--->those are my most called nicknames.

Then some random names I've been called with:
-little devil
-name related nicknames
-mouse? (I think someone called me that once)
And many more that I forgot- way too many to remember TvT

Funny how I love nicknames and people I know irl giving me one almost everyday without knowing that I like it OvO

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