Lucifer: "Oh, I am nice only to those worthy. You have the rarest blood so I respect you. But, I can offer my services of protection"
Rose: "You can?? But is it for a price?"
Lucifer: "Why of course! You think I would offer my services for free? Hah, nope. Only a Morningstar can get my service for free. So nope, you need to pay a price"
Rose: "What do you want from me?"
Lucifer: "Oh, just your body and soul"
Rose: "You're joking"
Lucifer: "Nope, I am the devil for a reason sweetie. I am nice to talk to. But when it comes to my services, you need to offer me something"

Rose: "Sorry, but I respectfully decline your offer. I don't want to sell my body and soul to the devil. So goodbye! You can return to your hellish duties!"
Lucifer: "Are you sure? Because I can offer you more than you can ever imagine. I mean come on! I am the Devil. I can make anything happen, just at a price. I can let you see your father again. You will reunite with him today."

Rose: "But how?? If I sell my soul to you, I will go to Hell. I will only get to see him for the time I have left to live. I would rather be patient and live as a holy Catholic than to sell my soul to you. I don't care if you have been nice to me. I see what you are capable of and this is all just an act to convince me to turn to you like a damsel in distress!! But guess what, I don't need you to save me and I will do just fine on my own. I am not that desperate. I am ok with dying"

Lucifer: "Fine, have it your way then. Let's see how everything works out for you. Hehehehehehe"
Then he transformed into his monster side again and disappeared in the pentagram. I was left shaking. I was not ready to see his true self again. So I got up and called the cops immediately. Reporting screams coming from the house so I won't be a suspect. Then the cops showed up and were investigating the scene.

Officer #1: "So, did you hear anything else besides screams?"
Rose: "Umm, no. Just their screams of bloody murder. It was horrifying to hear that in the middle of the night"
And I wasn't lying, shit, it was horrifying to see Lucifer tear apart my ex friends into shreds like they were just a piece of paper. I truly was shaken up.
Officer #2: "And uh, what time exactly did you hear these screams?"
What time did this really all happen? Why can't I remember?? Damn it Rose!

Rose: "I can't remember. I am sorry for not being very useful to the investigation"
Officer #1: "It's alright Rose, it was a cult murder anyway. As far as we can tell they probably all killed each other for some weird Cult shit"
Rose: "So you are not going to investigate any further?"
Officer #2: "Nope, we tried solving many satanic cases in the past and they always lead to one conclusion, they did it to themselves"
Rose: "Oh, o-ok. If you insist"
Officer #2: "Now let's get you home young lady, you need lots of rest"
Rose: "Thank you Officers. Have a good night"
Both Officers: "You too Rose!"

Rose headed inside her car and drove home with caution of her surroundings. She was afraid Lucifer was going to kidnap her while she was alone. But luckily for her, she was safe and returned to a peaceful house.
Rose: "Mami! I am home!"
She heard the sheets get thrown off a bed and running footsteps.

Laura: "Mija, what's wrong?? Why are you home?? Did something happen??"
Then Rose broke down in tears.
Rose: "I don't think I am going to have any sleepovers anytime soon after tonight"
Laura: "Please, tell me what happened!"
Rose hesitated. Would she believe her? Her mom barely believed in the Church, so why would she believe in the devil.
Rose: "Well, my friends were going to do a satanic ritual. But they got killed by something. It is something I can't explain!"
She broke down in more tears while explaining the events that occurred that night.

Laura: "But, that's not possible. Maybe they killed themselves and you are traumatized by seeing that. We don't know for sure just by the state you are currently in. Get some rest. You need it"
Rose: "Ok mami, Goodnight"
Laura: "Goodnight"
Then Rose went up to her room.
Yup, I knew it. She wouldn't believe me. But at least she believes that something crazy happened tonight. That is way more than I expected from her though. So yay! She somewhat believes me! Ok Rose, just close your eyes and take deep breaths. Nothing will get you in your sleep. Breathe. . . In. . . and out. . .NOPE! Not happening!! He can probably get me in my sleep! I need to stay awake.

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