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Do read my another book
by xhighonwingsx
❕manan : her princess life
❕sugar daddy
❕dangerous hottie
by XthatonedreamX
❕one night with my billionaire ex
❕manan million dollar romance
❕billionaires secret
❕first love
❕love by Accident
❕her arrogant bastard
❕billionaire*s sugar daddy
❕dangerous hottie
❕first love
❕billionaire shades : the guardian
❕he*s my ace

dont forget to checkout

You will definitely enjoy it as you have read that earlier also.

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As promised ur new chapter (chapter 48)update is here, enjoy and thnks fr keeping patience. thnks fr all ur love and support.



It had always been manik and it would always be him no matter how many charming, loyal , loving , caring etc etc qualified men walk passed , no matter even if they would fill her path with roses or her life with their outmost love , it would alway...

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It had always been manik and it would always be him no matter how many charming, loyal , loving , caring etc etc qualified men walk passed , no matter even if they would fill her path with roses or her life with their outmost love , it would always been Manik and that was the depth of her love.

She believed his every word , she believed him then too and now she knew why he left her all of a sudden , after aliya' cousin died suddenly he started behaving weird , the messages, the phones , late coming everything made sense now.. 

He was never hers ! He was Aleesha's Manik and that realization broke her more.. Everything she held onto for 3 years came crashing down , her heart which was just surviving on manik's love meant nothing now .

The dingy cell and darkness seeping into the jail felt comfortable, she couldn't see anyone as a matter of fact which she gave her peace , she always wanted the peace which this darkness was giving , her heavy heart was numb and by looking at her face none could decipher the storm in her heart.

After hours of numbness she heard the constable waking her up . She was in a position where her hair hide her face but when she looked up , horror could be seen on both the faces while manik showed the emotions , the seconds of emotions on his face was now nothing but a facade to her. Now even if God tells her that manik loves her more than his life or manik is the only one for her she would never believe God . 

BILLIONAIRE'S CUTE ANGELDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora