Episode 1: Just Arrived in Japan

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The big plane in the sky that was speeding away left Indonesia. This flight is non-stop to Japan.

A girl with a wide yellow hijab that covered her chest and back and a notebook in her hand, containing scribbled daily and monthly schedules of what she would do in Japan, smiling nervously in a genuine leather chair.

'Ya Allah, this is my first time on a big plane. Masya Allah. Bigger than the first release photos. What size? Biggest in the world? Three times a normal plane. And I boarded in executive class. UA does have a lot of money, huh?' Yes, she was able to board the big plane because her plane ticket was paid for by the UA school itself.

'Do they really want me to study at their place so much that even a ticket to Japan has to be expensive?' the girl in the brown robe continued asking herself. "Hopefully I can get through it smoothly, amen."

This girl is named Azizah, a female student from Indonesia who was chosen to be one of the exchange students to Japan.

After finally Azizah managed to get used to it. She ate all the food the flight attendant had prepared just now, and not long after that she fell asleep throughout the flight.

Shizuoka Airport, Japan

When she arrived at the destination airport, she woke up and looked out the plane window, it was true that she had arrived at Shizuoka airport. "Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely."

Azizah stood up to get her backpack in the cabin, then sat back down while observing the number of people queuing to get off according to serial number.

Azizah immediately stood up after tingling in her seat, it was finally her turn to get off the plane, feeling relieved she showed a sweet smile. Carrying her backpack behind her, Azizah's eyes twinkled as she stared at the exit, only one step away from the Isekai she dreamed of. "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, make your servant's journey easier, Ya Allah."

The soles of the feet clad in shoes managed to land on the flight field floor, the cool air immediately hit Azizah's smooth face, and at that moment freedom seemed to stop the wild feeling of fatigue in her body.

Taking a deep breath of air, her feet stepped towards the place to collect the goods.

Standing still among hundreds of people busy taking suitcases, Azizah just waited for at least half of the people to disappear before she took her suitcase, to be honest she didn't really like crowds of people.

Stepping forward, her hand took a dark brown suitcase that had been dragged out by a device, the girl pulled the suitcase away from there.

A few steps away, her cell phone rang, Azizah opened the cell phone and it turned out to be hundreds of messages from Abah, Mama, and her friends, most of whom asked whether she had arrived or not, whether she had vomited or not, what the view there was like, and her friends' requests to send them typical Japanese souvenirs. And Azizah only answered as honestly and as best she could.

After replying to hundreds of messages, her cell phone rang again, this time it was an incoming call from an unknown number and she picked it up.

"-Moshi-moshi, is this Azizah?-" A woman's shrill voice came from his cellphone.

"H-haik, will you be the one to pick me up at the airport?" Azizah asked, trying to be sure.

"-Un, we'll pick you up there. We're still on our way, you just wait there, okay?-"

"Okay." Call ends. Putting her cell phone back into her pocket, Azizah went to sit on one of the benches closest to the glass wall facing out of the airport. "If I'm here, they will easily find me."

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