??? - it's elementary, my dear.

Start from the beginning

*POV Amelia Watson:*

'This... is the pinnacle of our research, for three years now I have been working with him to figure out if what we're seeing is true, a way to revolutionize the world once and for all.'

Amelia: "So let me get this straight... you're telling me THIS is the solution we've been working towards for three years !?"

I slowly approach the blackboard with a confusing equation on it, my puzzled look didn't go unnoticed by the man I dubbed "Leader", it was a odd name seeing as he had been my only accomplice in this journey, but it felt respectful, fitting even.

Leader: "Precisely, with this we could create the biggest change in history, a power so great if we manage to harness it there'd be much fewer problems in the world, no threat of a loss of energy, medical care would become as simple as snapping your fingers, the list goes on."

Amelia: "But wouldn't that also ruin the lives of many...?"

Leader: "Please elaborate Watson."

Amelia: "Well, no offense... but if no one would have any problems that concern their health, let's say if someone gets a cold and it's as easy as you say, wouldn't that cause quite a few changes ?"

Amelia: "There'd be no need for doctors, the healthcare industry would die down, medicine would be of no use, people will lose their jobs... a lot of people would lose their jobs, thus creating a more dillemma, if we do pull through with this how would they make any sort of money ?"

Amelia: "Rent, food, luxuries... they still have to afford all of those don't they...?"

With a sound of curiosity he approaches the blackboard as well, giving me a glance before nodding and smiling, a rare sight seeing as for the most part he'd always keep up that same serious expression, especially when we had been working.

Leader: "But you see..."

He picks up a piece of white chalk and creates a line to a new section, where he draws a circle, inside of which he wrote "THE NEW", proceeding to branch draw more lines coming from it.

Leader: "Just because we could harness this power it doesn't mean that we have it on low maintenance, those people that truly have lost their jobs could help here, after all we'll need all the hands we can get if this is what humanity will rely on."

Leader: "Day and night we'd need them to work, of course that means swapping one another out when necessary, we can't be inhumane, after all; if we don't have the people on our side there's no reason to keep going."

Leader: "Two people alone can't make sure it all functions properly, so that would mean recruiting people, convincing them the idea isn't but a fluke, show evidence and thus... we get more workers, people who lost their jobs have a new occupation, one that might pay even more and Watson, my dear, perhaps some day we as a whole can leave "money" and "status" behind us all, creating peace once and for all."

'...He's saying a lot of words and things generally speaking, but in the end he keeps just saying the same thing differently... or maybe I'm misunderstanding it...?'

'No matter, this is my accomplice, I need to have some faith in him !'

Amelia: "This is... a really big gamble we're taking though, aren't we ?"

Amelia: "If this goes wrong wouldn't that mean it's the end of the world as we know it ?"

Leader: "Well of course that is a gamble we have to take."

He sighs and puts away the chalk, proceeding to walk over to the far left window where I join him, the rain had been pouring for hours on end now and yet children played outside, enjoying themselves despite the harsh weather conditions.

Can't I go back to being ordinary ? - (Hololive x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now