Jealousy, Jealously

Start from the beginning


We walked in silence for a short while through the hallways. The dying sun's rays illuminated the hall and the sky was an orange-y pink. Birds flocked past as they slowly descended to the lands below for a night's rest. We walked past the large window that overlooked the school garden. Some students were outside, enjoying the summertime breeze. I spotted North Korea and China sitting under one of the trees playing some board game.


"Yes?" Ame stopped walking as he leaned against a pillar. He sighed, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. I waited for him patiently knowing he was probably mentally readying himself.

"I'mreallysorryforthestuffIsaidearlier!" I blinked, my mind processing his words.

"I was jealous...jealous of you and...and...Germany. And I didn't want you getting harmed by him. I know it's stupid," he continued, rubbing the floor with the sole of his shoe. Looking up at me, he murmured, "I just want what's best for you Poland. After all that's happened to you..."

I sighed softly and leaned against the windowsill as I looked out. "I'm sorry too America. I shouldn't have said those things," he chuckled softly. "Well, I guess we're even now. And...yea, I know, I have a hero's complex but that's not an excuse to be an ass," he smiled sheepishly, rubbing his head.

"I should probably apologise to him."

"Yea, you should."

We fell silent, neither of us making the first move. Maybe Ame was formulating a plan for his apology. I knew that Nurse WHO had requested for me to go over to the infirmary before my dinner, but I continued to observe the people outside the window. It seemed as if China had won the board game against NK judging by the frown on his face. Russia had joined them and was sitting next to the both of them, chuckling as he slapped the North Korean on the back. I looked away and observed the rest of the garden. Finland was sitting with another girl who had a blue, black and white flag. He was smiling and laughing away–a complete 180 from his stoic behaviour in class. I wonder...

"Hey, you have to head to the infirmary right?"

"Oh yea. I should probably go off now."

"Can I ask you a question? We can walk and talk," Ame asked me. I agreed and we started walking. As we walked, Ame asked, "How's Germany? I mean when he's alone with you or Singapore is he the same as when he's around the others?"

I thought about his question before admitting I wasn't too sure either. "I mean...he isn't close to us either but...I guess he's more relaxed? But still really formal," I commented, "Japan and Italy might have a better idea though. I mean they're close to him."

"Maybe...but he doesn't seem that close to them either," Ame mused before turning to look at me. "You think he'll ever open up?"

"I don't know. He has a bad reputation and he's been alone for most of his time here. I don't think he trusts people too much."

"So basically a loner."

"You can't blame him. I'm still not his biggest fan either. I don't even think we'll talk after my treatment is done."

"Might be for the best."

I was very glad we finally reached the infirmary. At least I wouldn't have to reply to his question. Germany was already there, talking with Red Cross. When he saw Ame, he frowned but it soon disappeared as his brow smoothened out. "Hello Poland. Hello America," he greeted us.

"Hey Germany," I smiled. His posture relaxed slightly as he nodded wordlessly.

"Nurse WHO will come back soon. Poland and Germany, you two can sit in her office. America, I'm afraid you'll have to leave now," Red Cross told us. Ame nodded before asking if he could have a word with Germany. "Can we go outside? I promise it won't take long," he said.

Germany looked at him apprehensively but nodded anyway. Ame shared a look with me, I promise I won't do harm. I nodded discreetly as the two exited the infirmary. Red Cross guided me to Nurse WHO's office and I took a seat in one of the plush seats.

After a while, Nurse WHO came in. She smiled as she took a seat at her desk. "Hello Poland, sorry for the wait. Erm...where's Germany? He's usually very punctual," she asked me. I explained that he was talking with Ame outside and she nodded. "Well...I guess we'll have to wait then," just as she finished, Germany came back in.

"Let's get started," he said, tone indifferent. I felt my heart sink. Oh America, what did you do now? 



あなたが何をしたのかわかりますか?今、ドイツは我々に対して怒っている!このバカ!-- See what you did? Now Germany is angry with us! You idiot!

Почему меня окружают ублюдки!--Why am I surrounded by bastards!

A/N: Wow! Another 2000+ word chapter :D 

I don't know...I wanna get into the second act for this book but I KEEP ADDING MORE CONFLICT- *coughs and adjusts self* Anyways, this was a pretty fun chapter to write for me. I wanted to put in a Russia and America fight scene but in the end decided against it because I wasn't sure how the hell to tie it in with the story. I think Nurse WHO might appreciate it. 

Nurse WHO: I do. If you make them fight, I'll break your bones.

Eli: But you're a nurse! 

Nurse WHO: And I'm fictional. >:D

Eli: *sighs* 

Back to real life.  The book should be moving into Act 2 in...another 3-4 chapters (hopefully) so stay tuned I guess. 


1) If you could pick a superpower, what would it be? Mine would probably be teleportation or maybe shadow manipulation.

2) Did I make Ame a very hatable character? 

3) From the last chapter, did anyone get the reference for another Countryhuman Fanfiction? (Clues: Mentioned during the game bit, has 914K reads and 87 parts.) 

Oh yea, weird thing but WATTPAD's been taking down some books😰 so to all my fellow writers:


(Wattpad please don't get rid of me. I'm just giving advice D:) 

Two books (Social Deviant and Row of Stars) were taken down and it literally is making me so frustrated because I personally didn't think that it violated the TOS or anything on Wattpad. (and I checked what may be potential reasons why it got removed on Wattpad's FAQ page) 

Welp, considering they are CH books, I guess maybeeee it might have had something else offensive, something to do with countries ;-;. Tis the price we pay when we decide to write fanfic here and it's about countries/landmasses and possibly falling--

Okay, it's late, I should go to bed. Bye! 

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