Chapter 28: Sacrifice for Sel

Start from the beginning

"Hmm? Should I?" Soonyoung's voice drips with mock sympathy as he taunts Jeonghan, his eyes alight with sadistic amusement. "But are you not my partner in this, my dear Jeonghan?"

A surge of shame washes over Jeonghan as he meets Soonyoung's gaze, his eyes falling to the ground in silent acknowledgment of his complicity. He knows he cannot undo the mistakes he has made, cannot erase the pain he has caused. But still, he cannot stand idly by and watch as those he loves suffer before him.

"Let him come," Soonyoung orders his guards, and Jeonghan watches in silent horror as they relent, allowing him to approach. With a heavy heart, Jeonghan rushes towards Seungcheol, his steps faltering with each passing moment.

But before he can reach him, Soonyoung intercepts him, his hands closing around Jeonghan's waist in a cruel embrace. Jeonghan struggles against his grasp, his every instinct urging him to break free and rush to Seungcheol's side.

"Let go of me!" Jeonghan's voice is laced with desperation as he tries in vain to break free from Soonyoung's hold. But the older man only tightens his grip, a smirk of satisfaction playing on his lips as he relishes in Jeonghan's helplessness.

"Such beauty," Soonyoung murmurs, his breath hot against Jeonghan's ear as he leans in close. "If I had known Seungcheol had such a treasure in his possession, I would have come for him sooner."

Jeonghan recoils at the words, a shiver running down his spine at the malice in Soonyoung's tone. He hates this man, hates what he represents, hates the role he has been forced to play in this twisted game of power and control.

"Don't do this," Jeonghan pleads, his voice barely a whisper as he meets Soonyoung's gaze, his eyes filled with unshed tears. "Please, I beg of you."

Soonyoung's smirk only widens at Jeonghan's plea, his grip tightening on Jeonghan's waist as he leans in closer, his lips mere inches from Jeonghan's own.

"And what will I get in return?" Soonyoung's voice is a low, menacing whisper as he gazes into Jeonghan's eyes, his fingers tracing a delicate line along Jeonghan's jaw.

Jeonghan's heart clenches at the question, his mind reeling as he struggles to find an answer. He knows there is nothing he can offer that will satisfy Soonyoung's twisted desires, nothing he can give that will undo the damage that has already been done.

"Please," Jeonghan whispers, his voice barely audible as he meets Soonyoung's gaze with pleading eyes. "Just let him go."

But before Soonyoung can respond, Seungcheol's voice cuts through the tense silence, his voice ringing out with a desperate plea.

"Release him! I beg of you!" Seungcheol's voice echoes through the chamber, filled with a mixture of anguish and determination.

Jeonghan's heart lurches at the sound of Seungcheol's plea, his gaze snapping to meet the eyes of the man he loves. Despite the bruises marring his face, despite the pain etched into every line of his expression, Seungcheol's eyes burn with an unwavering resolve.

For a fleeting moment, Jeonghan is transfixed by Seungcheol's unwavering strength, his heart swelling with admiration and love. In that moment, he knows that he would do anything to protect Seungcheol, to spare him from further suffering, even if it means sacrificing himself in the process.

"Please," Jeonghan whispers, his voice barely above a breath as he turns back to Soonyoung, his eyes pleading for mercy. "Let him go. I will do anything you ask, just please..."

But before Jeonghan can finish his plea, Soonyoung's cruel smirk returns, his grip tightening on Jeonghan's waist as he leans in closer, his lips brushing against Jeonghan's ear.

"Anything?" Soonyoung's voice is a low, menacing whisper, sending shivers down Jeonghan's spine. "Very well then, my dear Jeonghan. If you wish to save your precious Seungcheol, you must be willing to pay the price."

Jeonghan's heart sinks at Soonyoung's words, the weight of his predicament pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket. He knows that whatever Soonyoung demands of him, it will come at a steep cost, one that he may not be willing to bear.

But as he gazes into Seungcheol's eyes, filled with an unspoken plea for salvation, Jeonghan knows that he cannot turn back now. He may be willing to sacrifice everything, even his own happiness, to ensure Seungcheol's safety.

"Tell me what you want," Jeonghan whispers, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. "I will do whatever it takes to save him."

Soonyoung's smirk widens at Jeonghan's words, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent as he leans in closer, his lips brushing against Jeonghan's own.

"Very well then," Soonyoung murmurs, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "In exchange for Seungcheol's freedom, you must pledge your loyalty to me. Swear to serve me faithfully, and I will spare his life."

Jeonghan's heart clenches at Soonyoung's demand, the weight of his words settling like a heavy stone in the pit of his stomach. He knows that once he makes this vow, there will be no turning back, no escape from Soonyoung's grasp.

But as he looks into Seungcheol's eyes, filled with an unspoken plea for salvation, Jeonghan knows that he has no choice but to comply. With a heavy heart and a trembling voice, he nods his head in silent acceptance.

"I swear," Jeonghan whispers, his voice barely above a whisper. "I swear to serve you faithfully, in exchange for Seungcheol's freedom."

A twisted smile spreads across Soonyoung's lips at Jeonghan's vow, his eyes gleaming with triumph as he releases his hold on Jeonghan's waist.

"Very well then," Soonyoung says, his voice filled with satisfaction. "You have made the right choice, my dear Jeonghan. Now, let us seal our bargain."

With a heavy heart and trembling hands, Jeonghan watches as Soonyoung steps back, allowing him to approach Seungcheol. With a sense of resignation, he reaches out and gently cups Seungcheol's bruised face in his hands, his touch a balm against the pain etched into every line of Seungcheol's expression.

"I am sorry," Jeonghan chokes out, his voice thick with emotion. "This is all my doing. I do not deserve your love..."

"Do not speak thus, my rose," Seungcheol whispers back, his voice barely above a breath as he leans into Jeonghan's touch. "I vow to save you. Do not succumb to him, I implore you."

"No, he is a fiend," Jeonghan replies, his voice firm with conviction. "He will show no mercy if I refuse to comply."

Seungcheol shakes his head, a silent plea in his eyes, urging Jeonghan to reconsider. But Jeonghan knows that he has no choice, that he must do whatever it takes to ensure Seungcheol's safety, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness.

"Know this, my king," Jeonghan murmurs, his voice filled with solemn determination. "Though my body may be ravaged by countless torments, my heart will forever belong to the king of Sel."

With a heavy heart, Jeonghan leans forward, pressing his forehead against Seungcheol's, their breaths mingling in the dim light of the courthouse.

"I love you," Jeonghan whispers, his words a solemn vow etched into the fabric of their shared destiny. "May we meet again, perhaps in the next life."



I feel like laughing 😂 im sorry yall!

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I feel like laughing 😂 im sorry yall!

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