[12] are there still beautiful things?

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12. Are There Still Beautiful Things?

"my heart is so full of you, i can hardly call it my own

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"my heart is so full of you, i can hardly call it my own."

"GET YOUR ASS UP." Tara tugged on Dani's arm.

"Why? What if I want to spend the day on the floor?"

"I will toss you over my shoulder."

Dani raised a taunting brow. "Is that something you're capable of?"

"Wanna find out?"

Letting her pull her to her feet, she shot her a glare, making Tara chuckle. The group walked out the house, heading down the streets to explore the community like they'd been told to. Every house in that place was huge, beautiful; the epitome of the American Dream.

"You never told me what your job was." Dani pointed out, bumping her hip with Tara's.

"Runner. Go out. Get supplies and stuff. Same as Glenn, Lucia and Noah." She smiled.

"That's great!" Dani exclaimed. She really was happy for her. However, the nagging voice in her mind that pointed out her absence of a role was ruining the mood.  "Do you think she hasn't told me my job because she doesn't want me here?" Dani asked nervously. The thought had been plaguing her since the night before.

"Not a chance. You're gonna be fine."

"She's exiled people before. What if I'm who she chooses to go next?"

"Dani, if she made you leave, I'd be leaving with you." Tara said, her voice firm. "So would Lucia."

"We all would." Maggie said as she passed, giving her a comforting smile. Dani sighed a heavy breath, her thoughts a conflicted mess, until Tara tapped her arm, alerting her of Deanna's approach. She smiled the same friendly smile as she stood in front of them, her eyes landing on Dani.

"Can I speak to you a moment?" She asked.

Dani nodded and parted from her friends as Deanna led them over to a bench. They sat beside each other, Dani's heart racing in her chest at the possibility of being thrown out of here and ruining it for the others. Judith and Carl... They were supposed to be safe here. If I destroy everything good they've just gained... But when Deanna's hand patted her own, she paused, letting her breath catch up to her.

"You look so worried. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She nodded. "What's up?"

𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 || The Walking DeadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora