Episode 6- "The Dagger's Edge"

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The episode opens in Zuleika's childhood. She was a 10 year old child back then. She is brought into the court by her father. Despite having several consorts, only Zuleika's mother was able to bear a child, her, before passing away. She was raised by her stepmothers. Her father asks her to sit on his lap. She turns back and sees a young Anya, the same, maybe younger than her. She smiles. The Ottoman ambassador arrives and asks why Turan hasn't paid their tribute yet. Khan Azam says he's sorry, as the crops were late, but the ambassador says that they better hurry or they'll stop sending them guns. The scene transitions to the contemporary era, where Zuleika is seen in bed, sleeping, softly hugging Anya. She is dressed by Anya, they softly kiss each other. Zuleika says that she wishes that she was a man. Anya says that she wishes the same too. They head for the court and tell a messenger to send Edward to her. Edward arrives. Zuleika asks him what exactly he did in the war. Edward says that he served his Lord Protector Cromwell in his war. Zuleika asks if it's the same Cromwell who executed the king of England. Edward says that it's his son Richard, who is a bit inexperienced. Zuleika reveals Edward's diary, which surprises him. Zuleika starts reading the diary, quoting the part where he writes about leading a Protestant mob to burn down a Catholic Church in Ireland. Edward explains that he was told by his superiors to arm Protestant militias. He had no idea that they would burn down a Church. Zuleika says how can she trust a country who can do something like this. Edward says she's right, but does she not trust him? Even if this diplomatic mission fails, he will enjoy his stay. Zuleika hands him the diary, and says that when he returns, he should dearly ask the Commonwealth that they should start treating people of other religions with more respect. She will personally write a letter for him. Zuleika summons Mirza to the court. She tells him to negotiate for a new price of tribute to the Ottomans. Also give them the offer of an alliance against the Tsardom of Muscovy to prevent their further expansion into Central Asia. Mirza leaves for Kostantiniyye. He reaches the city. He greets the Ottoman sultan. He asks him if he got the pigeon or not. The Sultan says yes. Mirza says how Zuleika is planning to betray the Ottomans, and is allying with England, an enemy of their ally France, so he has planned an assassination attempt on her. He asks the Sultan for his best assassin. The Sultan asks why, and says why he should listen to him. Mirza says that Turan, if put under proper leash, will be a strong ally in the campaigns of the Ottomans. The Sultan agrees. The assassin is sent to Turan. We cut to night. Zuleika and Anya are kissing each other passionately, on the verge of making love. That's when they hear a thud. Zuleika gets up and checks for the balcony. The assassin jumps on her and tries to stab her, but Zuleika manages to tackle him and make him fall, the assassin pulls out his sword but Zuleika rolls across the floor. She pulls out her own sword and beheads the assassin. Anya calls for the guards. They rush to see the headless assassin lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. Mirza comes running and says that it was the Ottomans. Zuleika says that it is war then.

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