Episode 1- "The Ascendant Star"

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We are shown the world-building and the intro of the setting. 1658. Khan Azam is on his deathbed and his nation is invaded by the Tsardom of Muscovy. Seeing no option, Zuleika decides to go on a war with them. After a fierce battle, she emerges victorious. The forces of the Tsar retreat. The Khan passes away sadly after the battle. After a mournful funeral procession, Zuleika is made the new ruler, the first woman to ever assume the title of Khan, as she's the only legitimate heir. She receives the blessings of her stepmothers. Her coronation is met with both joy and disgust across the Khanate as several bureaucrats, particularly Mirza, are unhappy with a woman ascending the throne. Meanwhile, Edward Barton departs from England to forge an alliance with Turan on behalf of Cromwell's government. His father, Robert Barton, is a member of the English parliament. He promised the parliament that he would bring good news. On his way to Turan he is interrogated by the Ottomans as to what an Englishman is doing here. He says that he's just a traveler, on a mission to explore far away lands. He lies that he doesn't work for any government. They still keep him arrested for a week but then release him. On his way he is attacked by a group of bandits but he manages to fend them off with his gun. After several hardships he reaches Turan. Edward is arrested by the soldiers of Turan and is brought before Zuleika. The news of a Christian foreigner arriving in Turan stirs gossip across the kingdom. Edward is fascinated by Al-Qamar, the capital of Turan, and how well-maintained it is. Zuleika hears the news of this foreigner and she prepares herself for a conversation. This is the first time she's meeting a European. Both of them are going to start a new experience. 

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