Character and World Overview

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Character Bible
1. Zuleika (Aynur Niyazova) - The half-Kazakh, sole heir of Khan Azam, who becomes the Khan of Turan, an ethnically diverse Turco-Mongol Khanate in the Caucasus. She's a devout Muslim, but has liberal and progressive ideals. She has a cold personality on the outside but a caring woman on the inside. She wants to transform Turan into the "Athens of the Turks", a center of arts and learning. Her tall and imposing figure, her unwillingness to marry, her radical ideas of reform like abolishing slavery or giving refuge to Jews has alienated a lot of the bureaucrats. She's a skilled military leader too as she has defeated the forces of Tsardom of Muscovy during their invasion. She's like the Queen Christina of her country

 She's like the Queen Christina of her country

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2. Anya (Vera Filatova)- She is a Slavic woman who was brought to Turan as part of slave trades under Zuleika's father. Anya became Zuleika's lady-in-waiting. It was due to Anya that Khan Azam managed to ban slave trade in Turan. She's secretly in a romantic relationship with Zuleika

 She's secretly in a romantic relationship with Zuleika

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2. Mirza (Cem Yigit Üzümoğlu)- He's Zuleika's cousin. Friendly on the outside, he's jealous on the inside of her. Edward's arrival in Turan gives him an opportunity to stir rebellion against her.


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3. Edward Barton (Theo James)- An English traveler and a veteran of the Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland who wants to forge an alliance with Turan, as the enemy of his nation, France, is allied with the Ottoman Empire, so England would favor an Islamic ally. He is proficient in multiple languages. He forms a profound platonic friendship with Zuleika.

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