Closure from Disaster (OOAK AU)

Start from the beginning

She was startled by the swing of the cabana's woodwind doors, along with the crack of a branch from outside. "AH!!!" she yelped, dropping the file, it pages scattering across the floor. "O....Oh. It's". The short, dark-haired Candle walked in, carefully sidestepping the papers and bending down with Test Tube to help pick them up.

"I....golly you scared me...." she said, hastily gathering pages and documents and stuffing them into the pink scrappy file. Candle picked up some blue paper, showing an early design of Bow Bot, with the central part complete but the side pieces still appearing as a series of frameworks and loses stringy connections.

"Mephone wants everyone together for a photo," she said, as she passed Test Tube some blueprints. "For the first televised episode," she added.

"I......fine." Test Tube reluctantly agreed, heading for the door, still trying to scrappily pack her files. Her head clonked against the door as she rubbed her face but continued walking before Candle could respond. Her face and the side of her glass had a visible crack, which was covered by the gleaming sunlight.

Candle felt a page of paper brush her leg as she began to leave. Picking it up, she found scribbles and doodles and a whole bunch of diagrams, all in the green, scientist's handwriting and sloppy, messy style. Her scrappy scribbles scrawled the pages, each more morbid and ubiquitous then the last one.

"Hi Bot I'm...Really sorry for...lieing to u" one read, a huge blot of ink smeared all over this one.

"Bot, listen I.....I wanted to apologlze for..." another read, angry scribbles marking that one out.

Another one was a mesh of marlarky blots and violent scribbles, all making it hard to see. The only discernible word was "Fan" at some point in the the hot pot of unclear writing. 

And another.

And another.


Candle put the page down, disturbed and shocked from the writings. She'd heard something had gone wrong had happened at the elimination, the last time. Paintbrush and Balloon seemed strangely stoic to Test Tube while Silver seemed gloating and prideful, like he'd been after Oj' s elimination.

And then there was Bow. Since last night, she wore a sombrero hat, nervous. Candle had sensed no aura within her and Test Tube seemed to refer to her as "Bot" or "Bow Bot" in her diagrams and doodles. Had it been to do with that? "Bow" had been tense, usually sticking with Goo, unspeaking and usually not talkative.

She decided she would try talk to Paintbrush about everything that went down after today's elimination, since they had been present there. "If I'm still here, that is." she mumbled, taking care to pull the door first, still remembering Test Tube's tired and worried look and her unusual clumsiness.


Bow Bot stood the grey, matted rock, away from everyone. She scratched her hair, still remembering  just a few days ago, when she'd learned the truth. But....surely it was wrong. She couldn't be a robot, right? Robots couldn't talk. Robots couldn't think. They couldn't feel. There had to be something else. Maybe Test Tube had lied again, to cover up a more real truth.

"Argh.....This....itch" she mumbled, scratched her head harder, loose strands of hair being swept aside. Test Tube had lied about her. What's to say she had been truthful again? She continued scratching, feeling warm liquid on her hand, causing her to panic. Taking a look, she found the fingers covered in red liquid, along with a mess of hair. 

Bow gasped, relief flooding her as she put the arm down, next to a sombrero hat Fan had given to her after episode one. She wasn't a robot. She could feel and think and believe and bleed. Sure, it would worry some to see that mark but....the hat would cover it. Test Tube had to be hiding something else. After all, a robot couldn't bleed.

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