Your Perspective

I took the signed documents from Jungkook wishing him a great life ahead and took my belongings to leave his home. I heaved a sigh as I sat in the cab and headed towards my previous home where I used to live before. I guess this time I acted well. No matter how hard I tried to put his thoughts aside, they would never leave me. Reaching my home I plopped on the couch. I LOVE HIM. Yes, I do have feelings for him. Something in me changed when I got to know through my brother about him visiting India and apologizing to my family. It surprised me that the man who was so full of himself and who behaved like a child apologized to my parents and reconciled us. the person who left me on the road, ran searching for me on the roads and saved me from strangers and didnt even brag about it. I wouldnt have known this if my colleagues from the cafe didnt tell me about this.

I was amused by the fact that the person who hated me with all his heart, helped me when I needed it the most and his wholehearted random gestures towards my family without expecting anything in return made my heart skip a beat for the person he was But I decided to keep my feelings within myself as I know that he hates me.

But when I saw Jungkook taking care of me all of a sudden I couldnt hold back my feelings. I dont know why Jungkook was behaving gently towards me all of a sudden. Was he pitying me? If his care and gentleness comes out of pity, I dont want it. I dont want anyones pity in my life and I cant let my hopes high by being delusional about him having feelings for me. I cant get my feelings built day by day for him as we had a contract for one year. I wanted to get out of that home to save my dear heart from heartbreak. That is why I got these documents and asked him to sign them. Oh how I expected him to not to sign them in my heart.. But who am I kidding? He signed them as he didnt have any feelings for me. At least I got my clarity about his feelings.

Authors Perspective

You got back to your daily routine as usual, going to university during mornings and cafe after completing your classes. You were never the same y/n you used to be before. You thought moving out from his home will make everything right but you didnt know how painful it would be to hide your feelings and live like nothing happened. You were struggling with his thoughts, his memories haunted you every second. But you were stubborn enough to keep your feelings to yourself and didnt want anyone to know about your feelings.

On the other hand Jungkook broke down completely after you left his place. He stopped taking care of himself without taking meals at times and overworked himself to distract himself from the heart break. No matter how hard he tried to console himself and move on from you. He always thought about you and imagined how fascinating his life would be if you were in it. he couldnt accept the reality that you didnt have any feelings for him and left him just like that.

As days winded up into a week, Jimin came home and rang the bell waiting for Jungkook to open the door. He opened the door with the spare key which he always carries and came inside the home. A gasp escaped his mouth as he saw Jungkook lying on the floor unconsciously. He ran towards his unconscious body with terror occupying his mind and tried to wake him up by calling his name whilst shaking his body vigorously multiple times. Seeing him not responding he ran towards the kitchen, grabbing some water and sprinkled on his face while yelling his name with pure concern. Jungkook squeezed his eyes, tilting his face aside. Jimin heaved a sigh of relief seeing him move even a little bit. He made Jungkook stand up but realized that he had no energy left to do so. He immediately took him to the hospital to get him treated. As Jimin didnt know that you left the home he assumed that you would be in your college, so he left a text to you informing about his return and Jungkooks situation.

You tossed your books into your bag, zipped it up and hung it on your shoulder, you walked out of the campus taking your mobile to book yourself a cab. You squint your brows as you notice a text from Jimin and open it. Your heart dropped and hands trembled reading the text. You held your phone tightly dialing on Jimins number with tears brimming up in your eyes. You pressed your lips controlling your sob when Jimin didnt answer your call and you dialed him again without waiting even for a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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