MD Vampire AU Part 26

Comenzar desde el principio

Before Uzi could go looking through the colony, her bedroom door was slammed open- and an extremely pissed looking Khan stood there...with a pregnancy test in his hand.

Shit I told N to get rid of it!

"Uzi. Dora. Doorman. What the fuck is this about!?And why was it put in the bin in a separate bag with the words 'totally not suspicious' on it?!?" Khan yelled. He seemed more angry about the 'totally not suspicious' than the fact it was a pregnancy test.

Oh god damn it N...

Currently the goofy father of Uzi's child was rummaging through old clothes in a random apartment. He wanted to get something as an apology to Uzi, maybe something a bit baggier to fit when the pregnancy was further along? Or would she like something other than clothing?

As N searched, his gaze reached a frosty bookshelf on the side of the apartments living room, one of the books seemed pretty thick- the cover wasn't particularly special- but the title was interesting.

'Parenting Tips and Tricks Book 1, BABIES'.

Parenting tips?!? BABY PARENTING TIPS!

N grinned at the find and ripped the book off the shelf, IT WAS A PARENTING BOOK! HE COULD BE PREPARED!

Better yet, after looking over the book shelf again, it was clear whoever lived here had a book for each stage or life event when raising a child. This sparked N's curiosity, so he rumbled around a bit in the apartment and found an old- extremely damaged- picture frame, displaying what looked like a single mother and 8 kids.

No wonder she needed parenting books- 8 kids is a lot.

Grinning, N decided that the books could be his return gift for Uzi! He could tell they were both nervous about being parents- so this would help- even if Uzi didn't want them he definitely did.

I just hope-

N's thoughts came to an end at the sound of footsteps. Someone was in the apartment with him...

Silently N stalked around the room, trying to spot whoever this mystery person was, why were they hiding?

Could it be Doll? According to Thad she has gone nuts-

On cue a side door of the apartment slammed open, revealing a blood stained creature before him, the familiar hair colour and bright red eyes told N it was Doll- but it sure didn't look like her.

Doll had grown in size yet seemed to have shrivelled over in structure. She was hunched and ragged, open wounds spilled crimson onto the apartment floor as her eyes glitched from red to yellow continuously. For some reason she'd grown wings- wings that resembled the vampires feathered ones- but were smaller and seemed torn.

Before N could even take in what he was seeing, Doll pounced on N and began tearing at his flesh, N screamed and attempted to shove Doll away- he could have easily won- but Doll stabbed her new spiked tail into his leg, locking him down.

N yowled in pain and used his own wings to try and hold her back, Doll had torn through his coat and pierced his skin- resulting in dark red (almost black) blood leaking from his chest.

Is my blood suppose to look like- nevermind!

Using all the strength he could muster N shoved Doll away, Doll bit and tore at N's wings and arms but he didn't relent, he noticed her tail aiming for a wooden pole not far from them. She was going to kill him if he didn't think quick.

Out of ideas- and desperate to make it home to Uzi- N slammed his mouth down on Doll's neck, biting through her skin fast- taking as much blood as he could in one go.

Doll screamed, and for a second almost seemed human again, but then her tail reached the stake- aiming directly for N's already vulnerable chest. He had pulled back to spare Doll's life, but she wouldn't spare his, not now.

N didn't see it coming, but he looked down as he saw Doll's tail slinking away from him, Doll herself panting from exhaustion while gripping her torn neck.

The stake had pierced N's chest, he couldn't tell if it hit his heart, but the thick liquid leaking from the wound was a clue. He felt the world slow down, Doll disappeared along with the apartment they were in, the pain hit quick and then fled- leaving him in a state of uncertainty.

All the way in the bunker, Uzi- who had finally calmed down her dad slightly- felt a strange sensation in her own heart. It was a sensation she knew well, a pain she understood, a clue to where N was.

"Da...Dad...I know you're still mad at me...but...I need to..." Uzi's sentence faltered as she fell onto her living room floor, making Khan scream and cradle her in his arms. Without thinking twice Khan called into his ear piece "MEDIC TO DOORMAN! MEDIC TO DOORMAN- MY DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT! IT'S URGENT!".

Both N & Uzi had fallen into darkness. One laying alone, on the verge of a cold death- and the other in her fathers arms, praying in sleep that the pain wasn't saying what she knew it was.

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora