16 | Caught Red Handed

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Nina groaned quietly to herself as she began to wake up, immediately regretting her actions from the night before that resulted in the pounding headache she now had

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Nina groaned quietly to herself as she began to wake up, immediately regretting her actions from the night before that resulted in the pounding headache she now had. She turned her body to the side to hold Samir, and her eyes fluttered open when she grabbed air.

"I'm here Tinkerbell." His voice made her head turn, and she saw him at his desk with his journal and a Bible in front of him.

"Do I look how I feel?" She mumbled tiredly.

"That depends. Do you feel bonita? Because if so, yes. You look bonita." He referenced the TikTok without looking up from his journal, and she laughed, rolling over to lay her face in the pillow that smelled just like him.

"You so corny Samir." She pulled the covers back to stand up, and he only smiled in response, keeping his head in his journal.

She just woke up and called me corny. Is it corny to say that the sun shined brighter as soon as she opened her eyes? Possibly. That's why I wrote it down instead of saying it out loud.

Isn't it ironic how she woke up as soon as I read 1 Corinthians 13:4-5? The love I feel when I see her is very patient and very kind. It wasn't ironic at all, I think it was meant for me to be on that page just now. God shows me continuous signs when it comes to her and I love that for us. This situationship wouldn't work if He wasn't at the root of it.

I can't thank Him enough for bringing her to me, even though He did it while she still belonged to someone else. That stopped nothing though, clearly.

I wouldn't trade My Tinkerbell for nothing.

"What you doing baby?" Nina walked out of the bathroom and headed in his direction a few minutes later, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind.

"Writing." He closed the journal so that she couldn't see before pulling her down to sit in his lap.

"I don't like how you acted this week." He told her; internally sighing in relief to himself because he thought he'd chicken out of expressing his true frustrations.

"Samir you literally beat h—,"

"I know and I can see why you'd be mad even though I don't agree with you, but ignoring me fixes nothing—especially if you'll just start talking to me again like nothing happened in a few days. We could've talked as soon as you found out to avoid the unnecessary tension. I didn't like that Nina." He signed to her with his hands, holding his signature frown on his face.

"How come you don't agree with me?" She asked.

"You're ignoring my point. That doesn't matter."

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