In the mirror, she saw the figure beside her.

No, that... was no longer human.


Gu Wuji opened his eyes; Xiaoxin's soul had departed.

He recalled the scene he'd just witnessed, his expression growing more serious. He quickly walked outside, pulling the door open.

"How did it go?" Peng Haocang asked, concerned. This was a matter of life and death for him.

"What about Wang Ge?"

"He left with Sun Shi." Peng Haocang realized something and shivered. He quickly focused on the crucial point. "Is something wrong with Wang Ge?"

"No, it's Sun Shi." Gu Wuji realized he had been careless. Although they were in a supernatural world, he hadn't paid much attention to his roommate. It was partly because of his unique perception...

Peng Haocang looked at Gu Wuji in surprise. After all, Gu Wuji had been with Sun Shi in the same room for days, yet he still seemed lively.

But considering how well Gu Wuji interacted with the ghost baby, perhaps Sun Shi didn't dare to provoke him initially.

"Initially, he was probably still human," Gu Wuji furrowed his brows.

Gu Wuji had just realized how Sun Shi might have become a ghost. It was likely that when Sun Shi opened the door that day, he unknowingly allowed a possession to occur. Perhaps the ghost had taken advantage of the opportunity.

"Sun Shi might have been human at first," Gu Wuji said, his expression serious. "But what happened afterward?"

Peng Haocang was genuinely impressed by Gu Wuji's acting skills and character. If he didn't know Gu Wuji's true identity, he would suspect that Gu Wuji was the malevolent spirit infiltrating their group of players. Gu Wuji seemed too natural in this supernatural setting.

However, how was Gu Wuji planning to get the old woman away from her seat?

Soon, Peng Haocang would find out Gu Wuji's approach.

Gu Wuji leaned over the counter and whispered a few instructions to the ghost baby. Then he sat down, sipping his tea. The ghost baby disappeared subtly, and the old woman seemed to suddenly realize something. She stood up and headed toward the exit.

Peng Haocang was shocked. Could this really work? Letting one ghost handle another—Gu Wuji's ingenuity knew no bounds!

"Quick," Gu Wuji urged. Both of them hurried to the front desk.

Peng Haocang frantically opened several drawers, searching for the locked one. But as he did so, footsteps approached—the old woman was returning.

"Damn it," Peng Haocang broke into a cold sweat. Although he could pick locks, it still took time. At this rate, they wouldn't open the drawer before she returned.

"No time," Gu Wuji's voice echoed.

Peng Haocang hadn't even processed it when Gu Wuji delivered a powerful punch to the lock.

The entire counter shook, and people in the lobby were slightly alarmed. The oblivious waitress continued her work.

The lock... was broken.

Gu Wuji had forcefully cracked open the drawer, revealing a bunch of keys inside.

Peng Haocang stared, dumbfounded. He finally understood how Gu Wuji had deduced that the third-floor door required a key. If he didn't know Gu Wuji's real-world identity, he'd think Gu Wuji was an infiltrating ghost himself! How could he figure this out so quickly?

If it weren't for the fact that he knew Gu Wuji was a good person, Peng Haocang would suspect he was the malevolent spirit among them. Gu Wuji seemed more normal than Sun Shi by comparison.

Now, how would Gu Wuji get Wang Ge away from his seat?

Peng Haocang was about to find out.

Gu Wuji instructed Peng Haocang to engage the waitress while he dealt with Wang Ge. Wang Ge, still unaware, sat chatting with Sun Shi.

Peng Haocang didn't care about Wang Ge anymore; he just hoped Wang Ge's death wouldn't strengthen the ghost's power. Meanwhile, Gu Wuji had already disappeared. Soon, he reappeared from the kitchen, cradling the ghost baby.

Peng Haocang's jaw dropped. Was it his imagination, or did Gu Wuji now act like he owned the place? And the ghost baby seemed even more innocent, almost cute. Was it trying to win Gu Wuji's favor?

Impossible! Peng Haocang had never heard of a malevolent ghost having positive feelings toward players. But looking at Gu Wuji, he wavered.

Gu Wuji walked straight to the table, rapping his knuckles on it. Wang Ge jumped, annoyed. "What do you want?"

"Go ask the waitress what's available today. Keep her busy," Gu Wuji ordered.

"Why should I?" Wang Ge was wary of Gu Wuji now and refused to comply.

"Go or prepare to die," Gu Wuji said coldly, placing the ghost baby right in front of Wang Ge. His eyes bore into Wang Ge.

Wang Ge, convinced that the ghost baby was the root of all problems, nearly wet himself. He quickly stood up and rushed to the waitress, who was still oblivious to everything.

Peng Haocang marveled at Gu Wuji's acting and character. If he didn't know better, he'd think Gu Wuji was a seasoned actor who had infiltrated their group. But how would Gu Wuji get the old woman away from her seat?

Suddenly, Gu Wuji's next move surprised everyone. He punched the lock, breaking it open. Peng Haocang was in awe. Gu Wuji's resourcefulness was unmatched!

As they retrieved the keys, the old woman returned. Gu Wuji's plan had worked flawlessly. Now, they had to open the third-floor room before nightfall, or they'd all die.

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