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The next morning, you find yourself swallowed by an unsettling quietude. It gnaws at you, this silence - a hungry beast in the void. For years, you've sought out noise as if it were your lifeline, an antidote to solitude. Silence was synonymous with loneliness, and loneliness was an echo chamber of your own thoughts.

Alone. You didn't want that.

Your limbs are awake; they twitch and tremble beneath you. But standing? That's a herculean task far beyond their strength today. So instead, you opt for a different approach. Sliding down onto the cool wooden floor, your knees hit first - then hands follow suit.

On all fours now.

'I can't believe I'm still walking like a dog' You pouted

Your raven locks cascade over your face like a waterfall at midnight, brushing against the worn-out wooden planks as you start to crawl towards the door. Every movement is deliberate; every breath measured like a metronome ticking away in silence.

Listening for life beyond your confines becomes your singular focus. Footsteps would be a symphony right now - proof of existence outside your solitude. But all that greets your ears is more silence – a deafening absence that fills the room.

Finally, with bated breath and hope clinging on desperately like ivy on ancient stones, you push open the door.

'Hello, is there anyone here? No? Okay let me wall through'

Crawling your way to the hallways, you hear whispering and laughing below. You crawl to find a stairs going all the way down, you huff a breath wondering how you are going to crawl down.

"Mikasa, quit mothering me like I'm some defenseless child. We're equals in age!" Eren's voice echoed through the hallway, laced with frustration and a hint of desperation. The tone was familiar to you, yet it made your heart clench. You preferred his laughter—vibrant and infectious—to this stormy outburst. 'Eren! I'm coming to save the day, let me figure out to to get down'

"If you stopped behaving like an unruly toddler, then perhaps I wouldn't have to," Mikasa retorted sharply, her words slicing through the tense air.

'Who said that! How rude'

Eren swatted away Mikasa's reaching hand with a swift movement.

"Hey! Don't raise your voice at Mikasa!" Jean's shout interjected into their heated exchange.

"Keep your nose out of it, Horseface," Eren spat back. "This doesn't concern you."

"Well if you continue treating her with such disrespect, I'll make it my business," Jean shot back defiantly.

'This man sounds like a melted croc'

By now, you had descended the last stair, catching sight of Eren's livid expression and clenched fists at his sides. "She needs to stop pretending she is my mother because she is not here anymore...and her playing that role only makes things worse."

'My mother die to, we are twins'

A sudden silence fell over the room as all eyes turned towards your small figure crawling towards Eren. His gaze softened as he noticed Jean's widened eyes looking down at you.

"Brighteyes," he murmured affectionately when he finally saw your gray eyes peering up at him from where you were clutching his pants leg. "How did you get up here?"

'I flew'

"Obviously she crawled down here, Eren," Mikasa pointed out dryly.

'Your wrong. I flew'

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