
52 1 0

845 CE

Death festers into the ground.

Paradis Island is a graveyard in the making, a place where humanity cowers from the insatiable titan. They build walls, layer upon layer of stone and steel, yet no fortress is ever enough to hold back the relentless titan. From the safety of obscurity, you witness the mighty barriers crumble into dust, pulverized by two colossal titans.

A shriek rends the air as death descends like a suffocating shroud. Humans scatter like ants before a storm, but their efforts are futile against the leering titan that towers over them with an insatiable hunger etched on its grotesque face.

The titan breaches the city walls with ease and humans scramble for cover, abandoning their possessions in a desperate bid for survival.

Yet death clings to them like a second skin.

Screams echo around as terror seizes the people. The titan reaches down and scoops up a handful of hapless victims who wail in helpless agony. Its teeth - sharp as shards of glass and large as tombstones - sink into human flesh with sickening relish. Blood gushes forth like crimson rivers while severed limbs tumble out from between its gnashing jaws.

The titan's grotesque visage is illuminated under the dying light: its eyes gleam with sadistic pleasure, its mouth twisted into an unholy grin that stretches too wide across its face. Its skin is paper-thin and stretched taut over bulging muscles that ripple with raw power.

Bodies lie strewn across the ground - some crushed beyond recognition underfoot, others torn apart by those monstrous teeth. A grim testament to humanity's futile struggle against these nightmarish creatures.

As you watch from the shadows, you understand that to reveal yourself would be a fatal mistake. The fearless humans, armed with swords of ultrahard steel, move with lethal grace and agility. They swing through the air on their maneuvering gear like dancers in a deadly ballet, leaping from the austere stone buildings that tower above. These structures, once symbols of safety and civilization, now serve as platforms for this grim theater of war.

The swords they wield are not ordinary blades; they are forged from a material capable of slicing through Titan skin as if it were parchment.

They gleam menacingly under the sun's rays, catching reflections of the crimson blood that splatters against them.

Each swift movement brings about an end - a precise cut to the nape of a Titan's neck ensures instant death.

Yet amongst this chaos, one Titan stands out. It fights against its own kind, its actions almost human-like in their desperation. Its eyes are what truly unsettle you - a mesmerizing blend of blue and green that reminds you of an ocean seen long ago in another life. It's as if there is still some fragment of humanity trapped within this monstrous form, much like yourself.

However, your existence is different from all other Titans.

You bear features no other Titan possesses fur that bristles in the cold wind, ears attuned to every sound around you and a tail that swishes anxiously behind you. You are unique - a wolf Titan never before seen by human eyes.

Your survival depends on maintaining this secrecy because if those relentless human warriors discover your existence - those who have honed their skills to perfection and turned killing Titans into an art form – your life would be extinguished as swiftly as those they already hunt.

As your colossal lupine tail thuds against the earth, a vibration ripples through the ground beneath the humans' feet. Such is the weight of your titan wolf form that even such a simple movement can shake their world.

Then, he turns to face you. his eyes, grey as a storm cloud heavy with rain, meet yours. They are narrowed and piercing, devoid of emotion yet stained with the blood of the titan he just slaughtered.

You find yourself locked in his gaze, uncertainty gnawing at you.

Will he play executioner and end your existence?

Your soft whimper doesn't escape his notice as you retreat further into the trees, attempting to veil yourself in foliage. But running isn't an option; he would undoubtedly outpace you.

In your current form - a monstrous wolf titan - hiding your nape is impossible. It's exposed, vulnerable to their blade.

So instead, you hold his gaze, listening intently to the thunderous rhythm of their heartbeat echoing through their chest cavity. Your heightened auditory senses allow you to pick up frequencies up to 80,000 Hz - sounds that human ears could never discern.

Despite his stoic facade, you can tell he's afraid. His heart beats like a war drum in his chest – fast and loud – but his face betrays nothing of this fear. You don't blame him for being terrified; after all, you're a monster - an undeniable truth that festers within you.

Suddenly, a roar echoes from afar disrupting your standoff. You lift your snout skyward and inhale deeply; another titan is engaged in combat nearby. The human's attention shifts from you towards the source of the disturbance.

You emit a soft whine and tilt your head in that direction – an unspoken plea for him to go there instead of attacking you. In response, he draws his weapon – an elegant blade crafted from ultrahard steel, its surface gleaming menacingly under the sunlight. With a swift motion, he engages his vertical maneuvering equipment and propels himself into the air.

As he soars towards you, your eyes clamp shut and you bare your neck in surrender, preparing for the inevitable. But nothing happens. After a moment of tense silence, you open your eyes to see him flying away from you.

You blink in confusion. Why didn't he kill you? He simply left as if you were not worth killing. Perhaps that's true; perhaps you aren't.

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