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"Take heed, we are venturing beyond the walls once more. There's a whisper of an underground lair bearing our insignia, yet it's one unbeknownst to us," Erwin commanded, pacing through the wooden base with a steady rhythm echoing his words. His towering figure dwarfed most of the Survey Corps members, and his muscular frame was accentuated by the flickering light from the torches. His icy blue eyes were sharp as they scanned over his team, their intensity only rivaled by his thick bushy eyebrows.

Levi lurked in the shadows, his dull gray eyes piercing through each member with a stern glare. He stood shorter than most but possessed a well-toned physique that spoke volumes about his strength. The black strands of hair framing his face were cut in an undercut style, adding to his intimidating presence. He watched over them like a hawk, ensuring no childish antics disrupted their meeting.

"What do you mean by that commander?" Sasha questioned.

"It implies we have a traitor amongst us," Levi responded curtly, unfolding his arms and stepping forward. "Rumors suggest their actions led to the second wall crumbling down."

Erwin nodded in agreement with Levi's statement before continuing, "As usual, Levi's squad will venture out tomorrow morning." He shot a glance at Levi who understood instantly what was left unsaid.

"If any of you encounter a beast titan resembling a wolf," Levi paused, "do not kill it. That is an order."

Eren raised his hand from where he stood among them; average height but muscular build apparent even under layers of clothing. His teal-green eyes filled with confusion and curiosity bore into Levi's cold gaze.

"Why can't we kill it? What if it poses a threat?" Eren asked earnestly.

Erwin acknowledged the question, "I'm sure you all recall the tale of the house filled with children that was one of the first to fall to a titan."

Mikasa, her gray eyes cast downward, responded softly, "I remember hearing about it. But why mention it now?"

"Because Levi's younger sister was in that house," Erwin explained.

A collective gasp echoed throughout the room as their eyes widened in surprise.

"You had a sister, captain?" Armin asked, his large hazel eyes reflecting his shock.

"I thought you were an only child," Eren added.

Jean smirked from where he stood, his spiky undercut hair catching the torchlight. "I can't picture our captain playing big brother."

"Unless you have a death wish, I'd advise you to seal those lips," Levi's words came out as a chilling warning, his icy glare causing Jean to recoil and avert his gaze. Eren battled back an eruption of laughter, earning himself a scorching glare from Jean and an even fiercer one from Levi.

"So this beast titan," Armin began, his voice echoing in the room filled with tension. They were seated around a long wooden table, its surface worn smooth by countless planning sessions and debates. Rations lay untouched on the table, waiting for the command from their leaders before they could be consumed. "What makes you believe it might be your sister, Captain?"

"I don't," Levi responded tersely. His gaze was distant, haunted by the possibility that what he wished wasn't true. "I hope it isn't my sister. But if there's even a sliver of chance that it is... I need to know."

Mikasa nodded in silent understanding. She had experienced something similar; when she had seen Eren's eyes in the titan, she knew instantly who it was despite his monstrous form. She would risk everything to protect him.

"But Captain," Mikasa interjected thoughtfully, "what happens if this wolf titan begins attacking humans? What do we do then?"

"That's a valuable question,"

The commander's sharp gaze swept over them all as he spoke."Don't engage unless necessary. If the titan is simply observing you without making any move to attack – regardless of its menacing appearance – wait for signs of aggression or hunger in its eyes before acting."

Levi recalled his encounter with the beast titan; how it lurked behind trees' shadows, watching him silently without moving an inch.

"Do you think it's a shifter like me?"

"If this beast titan is indeed a shifter, we need to find a way to communicate," Levi answered, pacing around the room. "If it's my sister... That means she's been outside the walls for six, maybe seven years. After discovering three traitors among us, the government had everyone checked to see if they were titans."

Erwin chimed in again, his eyes serious. "Normally this wouldn't be our responsibility. But since it involves one of our own, I expect you to handle this as though it involved your own kin." He looked pointedly at Eren, Mikasa and Armin.

The trio nodded in agreement.

"Alright then," Erwin announced with a firm nod. "We head out tomorrow."

"Sir yes sir!" came the unanimous response from everyone around the table.

Exhausted from a grueling day of training and combat against the titans, the members of the Survey Corps finally found solace in their meal. Their muscles ached, yearning for rest and sustenance. Levi, Erwin, and Hange occupied a separate table, their positions of authority segregating them from the main group.

Erwin Smith sat with his usual calm demeanor, icy blue eyes scanning the room with an air of quiet authority. His thick bushy eyebrows drew attention to his keen gaze, giving him an imposing aura despite his serene expression.

Opposite him was Levi Ackerman, his short black hair styled in an undercut curtain that framed his deceptively youthful face. His narrow gray eyes bore an intimidating look while dark circles underneath them hinted at prolonged fatigue. Despite standing shorter than most men around him, his well-defined musculature spoke volumes about his strength. Known for being a clean freak due to his early childhood experiences, Levi was not one to make friends easily. His cold demeanor coupled with blunt speech often left others feeling belittled or provoked.

Hange Zoe added a touch of eccentricity to the trio with her boundless energy and unique approach towards her work as a researcher. Her observant nature contrasted sharply with her freethinking character making her stand out among the disciplined ranks of the Survey Corps.

Levi's fingertips gingerly held onto the rim of a tea cup as he savored its piping hot contents. "There's something still troubling you isn't there Levi?" Erwin whispered across the table.

Levi merely shrugged in response while glaring at his untouched plate. He was haunted by memories of caring for his sister; once upon a time she had been his entire world - he would do anything to keep her safe and happy. The thought that she might have been living beyond those walls alone for years gnawed at him relentlessly.

"I don't want it to be her," was all Levi managed to say.

Hange, who had been fiddling with her glasses and amusing herself by sculpting a titan out of her potatoes, chimed in, "But isn't it a good thing? She's still here and not completely gone. This could be your second chance."

"Shitty glasses, that's the point! If she's alive that means she's been alone all this time!" Levi retorted, his teacup clattering onto the table.

"I remember that look you had on your face when you realized that the titan ate her. You went on a rampage killing every titan in sight. You lost a part of yourself then. Even if you do hate titans, maybe this is something to look forward to. You've always wanted your sister back."

Levi's gaze shifted away as he muttered, "I took care of my sister since she was born; I gave everything I had for her to live a life...I never intended for her to become a titan."

"Even if she is a titan, don't you think it's time to take care of your sister more? If she's alone don't you think it's time to save her?"

As their conversation trailed off into silence, darkness enveloped their cabin. Beyond those walls roamed the wolf-like titan under the starlit sky; some titans stared at the wall while others demolished buildings searching for humans. Her tail swished restlessly as she wondered about happiness - an elusive concept for someone like her who bore the curse of being a monster with no happy ending.

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