Rock Paper Scissors Shoot

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AN: I don't really have anything to say so......... ON WITH THE STORY!!!

Clint's pov.

Nat had just walked into the observation room after bringing that blond kid into Nico's room.

"Hey Nat, what's up?" I asked, seeing the irritated look on her face

"There is way more to those kids than meets the eye"

Everyone paused and looked through the one way window at the pair of teens.

"Maybe we should bring Peter in, I mean he is also a teenager, so he might to get through to them."

"No, no, no, no, no You are NOT bringing in my kid to talk to some terrorist children!"

"Tony, we don't even know if they are terrorists."

"Well until we can confirm that they are not terrorists, Peter is not going anywhere near them."

"Ok ladies I would hate to break up the fight someone has to talk to them" Nat spoke up

I smirked knowing the perfect way to decide.

"1,2,3, Nose goes"



"Friday play back the footage"

"It is confirmed that both master Stark and Rocket Man touched their noses at the same time."



------Timeskip brought to you by the snack that smiles back GOLDFISH---------

Sam and Tony were argueing the whole way to the cell (really it was just the room next door) about who would have to talk to the children.

When we got right out side the door they both decided to do a game of rock paper scissors to decide.

Long story short, Tony lost, and now we are walking into the cell to talk to some suspected terrorists.


AN: I decided to do another one from an Avengers pov. Hope you guys liked it :) and here is another hawkeye pick


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