Episode 1: Business Office

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Me and Bigby were walking to the business office. We walked past a few folks. "What're you- blind?" We heard from Gren. He's a fable. He was in a brown jacket and jeans.
"We work here, Gren." Bigby said.
"And what great work you two do." Gren said. We went in. All we heard was Crane yelling at Snow. We walked over. He was blaming Snow for that prostitutes death. "If you're gonna blame anyone, blame me." Bigby said.
"Sheriff, you were in charge of protecting our citizens. Your failure cost someone their life. And your undersheriff isn't doing any much better than you." Crane told us. He took a seat. "Do we have any suspects?"
"I don't mean to jump to conclusions, but I was thinking The Woodsman. He was slapping that girl around before we found her head." I told Crane.
"The three of you have to get to the bottom of this. Quickly and quietly." Crane said. "Snow. Call Vivian right this minute and let her know I'm coming in early for my massage."
"Sure..." Snow said.
"Where is the bottle of wine you were to purchase?" Crane asked. Snow's face changed. "Forget it. Can't do a thing right. Do your jobs, Sheriffs." Crane told us on his way out.
"You know what?" Bigby said. Snow grabbed his arm.
"Stop." She told Bigby. "We'll get it." Crane left. "Would've just pissed him off more." She told Bigby.
"Probably for the best she stopped you, pal." I told Bigby.
"I still think it's best we told him." Bigby said. He got out a cigarette.
"Oh, Crane doesn't like...never mind. Smoke away." Snow said. Bigby went ahead and lit his cigarette. "Now Snow...wine to a massage?" I asked her.
"I know I bought that damn bottle." Snow said as she put her hands on her hips, shaking her head. I saw two green wings behind a shelf. "Is he gone?" I heard. Snow and Bigby looked over as we saw the green monkey's head pop up. "Yeah. He's gone." Snow confirmed.
"Great." The monkey said. It was Bufkin. He was a green monkey with wings. And he had a bottle of wine. He went to a table and tried to open it. "Bufkin!" Snow said to him.
"Hello, Miss Snow." Bufkin greeted.
"Drinking this early? Where did you get that?" Snow asked him.
"Mr Ichabod's desk." Bufkin told her.
"Don't you think it was probably his?" Snow asked. Bufkin looked upset, but then smiled. "Maybe." He grinned. Snow took the bottle. Me and Bigby went to see Bufkin. "How are you today, Mr Bigby? And Mr Y/n?" Bufkin asked us.
"Fine, Bufkin. Thanks for asking." Bigby said.
"I'm great, Bufkin." I told him. He smiled at us.
"Bufkin... get the books." Snow requested.
"Which books?"
"The ones with all the Fables in it."
"I dunno if that was anymore specific." I whispered to Snow and Bigby.
"The first three." Snow said. Bufkin flew away. "He knows the ones I'm talking about. We'll get her real name when Bufkin gets back." Snow said to us. "In the meantime, why don't you two poke around a bit? I gotta get this 'appointment' squared away." Snow said. Bigby looked at a deck of tarot cards. Just three. He flipped them all. The first was a bravery card, showing a woman hugging a wolf. The second was a card of a person falling off a tower. The third was a person stabbed by multiple swords. "Just what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Bigby asked. He put the card in his pocket.
"Let's go check the mirror." I said. We went to it. "Hey, Mirror." Bigby said.
"You know the rule." The Magic Mirror asked.
"We don't have time for this shit." Bigby said.
"Wait up." I said. I cleared my throat. "Okay. Magic Mirror on the wall. Who is our Sheriff, the best of them all?" I asked, complimenting Bigby with my rhyme.
"The Big Bad Wolf, your buddy, Bigby." Magic Mirror said.
"See? It's not that hard." he told Bigby.
"Ugh. Magic Mirror, if you're able, tell me something about this fable." Bigby said to him.
"There you go, Bigby." I said as I patted his back.
"Which Fable would you like to see?" The Mirror asked.
"Show us...The Woodsman." Bigby asked. We saw Woody walking down a street, drunk. I saw Bufkin flew back with the books. "Uhh, Bigby, I'm gonna see what me and Bufkin can find in the books." I told him.
"Whatever speeds the process up." He said. I went to Bufkin and opened a book. "Bufkin, translate some of this please?" I asked. He flew over. I flipped through and saw a ring that looked like the one we found with the girl's head. Bufkin said the family name was "Allerleirauh" or something. He found the story of Donkeyskin Girl who prefers to go by Faith. The story was she stole her father's magical cloak to hide her beauty and escape his kingdom. Then she met a prince by the name of Lawrence who saw through it and married her. I went back to Bigby. "Got any information?" He asked me.
"Yeah. The girl's name was Faith. She was married to Prince Lawrence." I told him. The phone rang and Snow got it. "Bigby! It's for you!" Snow called to us.
"Ask the Mirror." Bigby told me. He went to Snow and I spoke with the Mirror. "Show me...Prince Lawrence." The Mirror showed a bloody knife with Lawrence's hand dangling off the side a chair. "The hell...?" I questioned. He went back to himself. "Show me Faith's father." I said. He showed me a skeleton's hand. "Okay, we know her dad didn't kill her out of revenge or...anything." I said to myself. "Thank you, Mirror."
"What do you got?" Bigby asked as him and Snow came to me.
"Lawrence doesn't look too good. He was in his chair. But maybe he was asleep. I dunno." I told him.
"We also gotta check on Toad. He called and seemed desperate." Bigby said.
"Well, we could split up. If Toad sounds like he's in trouble, we should all go for him. Lawrence might already know about Faith, but i don't wanna be the one to tell him the bad news if he doesn't." I told them.
"Why don't you go after Lawrence. We'll go help Toad." Bigby said.
"Its probably for the best. For your safety. He should be at the South Bronx. Yellow buildings." Snow told me.
"Okay. Fine. I'll head to Lawrence. Be safe at Toad's." I said to them. Bigby held the door for us and we left the building.

The Wolf Among Us w/Male Reader InsertDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora