Chapter 2: The Great War

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The friends emerged from 1776 Main Street, their minds reeling from the experience. "We need to understand what's happening," Skylar said, her voice steady despite the adrenaline rush. "Let's try another house." They approached 1914 Maple Avenue, a somber Edwardian home with dark curtains and a sense of foreboding. As they crossed the doorway, the world shifted again, and they found themselves in a small European village, the air filled with tension and fear. The year was 1914, and the Great War had just begun. The friends watched as young men, not much older than themselves, were conscripted and sent to fight in a war that would change the world. Kody's eyes filled with tears as he read a farewell letter from a soldier to his sweetheart. Tyler, ever the pragmatist, pulled out his smartphone, only to find it useless in this time. "We need to keep track of our experiences," he said, "but how?" Jamie, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "We remember. We tell their stories. That's how we keep track." As they ventured further, they witnessed the first tanks rolling across no-man's-land, the devastation of the battles, and the hope that peace would soon return. They learned about the alliances and the complex web of politics that had led to such a catastrophic conflict. When they returned to Time Street, they were exhausted but wiser. They had seen the cost of war, the loss, and the bravery. They knew they had to find out more about these houses, these portals to the past. "We have to be careful," Skylar warned. "We don't know what dangers we might face next." But the allure of adventure and the mysteries of history were too strong. They couldn't resist the call of the next house, the next year, the next story. This chapter delves deeper into the emotional impact of time travel on Skylar and her friends, as they witness the harsh realities of World War I. It sets up the narrative for their continued journey through time, exploring the consequences of history and their own place within it.

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