When it had gone soft in her mouth, she gave a weak chew, swallowing it.

She pushed the cheerios further away from her, almost to serve as a reminder to not eat the forbidden food.


The girl was becoming bored, there was only so much she could dread before the thoughts became old. "Is your plan here to make me go insane? because it's working." Alexa said, "I know you probably get off on this whole torturing me thing but it won't be fun to torture me if my brain is mush!"

She then felt ashamed with the first half of her last statement, a weird feeling in her stomach. "I'm sorry for saying that." She whispered, not knowing if they could even hear her. She almost couldn't believe that she had been the one to say it.

Maybe it was her usual sensitivity, or maybe it was solitary- or a mixture of both, but she felt herself getting worked up rather quickly. "You guys really suck, like you guys really really fucking suck..sorry i cursed, but you wouldn't do that and I shouldn't have said that." She rambled, she wasn't sure how genuine her words were, but she continued.

"I feel like an absolute crazy person talking to myself, but it's better than hearing nothing I guess." She surmised, aggressively rubbing at the tears in her eyes. The girl let out a forced laugh, "I know I shouldn't have like left or anything, but can you really blame me? I know you're deluded but you're not thattt crazy."

Word vomit seemed to be happening, one she could hardly find the willpower to stop. Fresh tears were becoming apparent in her eyes, it wasn't even lunch yet and she was already losing her anger, the one she so desperately wanted to cling to.

"Please, I'll do anything if you let me out!"

Nothing happened, and maybe that was a good thing, because she wouldn't really do anything. She pulled her knees from her chest, moving into a laying down position, she held her free hand over her stomach. Red rimmed eyes bore into the ceiling, "this is really mean..even for you guys."

Her eyelids were growing heavy, her emotions taking a toll on her exhaustion, paired with the horrible nights sleep she had. They'd never allowed her so much emotion, of course she'd had outbursts, but they were all so quickly controlled. It dawned on her that she was the prison warden to herself, they might be the ones keeping her stuck there, but she was the one actively hurting herself.

They wanted her to need them, and the thought of them saving the day almost felt satisfying.

Feeling herself grow sleepy, her hand searched for the ball of fluff beside her, however it came up empty. Chase wasn't here, she didn't even have her stuffed animal.

With some manoeuvring, she was able to lay comfortably on her stomach, she shoved her face into her pillow. At least now they couldn't see her crying, she reassured herself, crying herself to sleep.


"Are you sure we shouldn't just end the punishment early? she already seems like she's learnt her lesson." Daisy questioned, she couldn't help but stare at the scene unfold in front of her, yet her eyes couldn't pull away from the screen. "This is what she needs in order to learn from her mistakes, we've made sure she's comfortable, she's got food." Lottie told her, she squeezed her wife's hand.

There was a shift in the usual dynamic, with Daisy continually being the executor of the girls punishments, more often than not.

They watched the live footage, Alexa's face shoved into her pillow, sobs wracking over her. "What if she suffocates herself?" Daisy pointed out, "I know you worry my love, but she's going to be fine, the worst that will happen is her tiring herself out." The blonde comforted.

Gentle touchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora