Mother & Hatred

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Taehyung has been here for a long time, he still hasn't recognized Yoongi at all. The man is impossible to understand.

Jimin sighed and taehyung noticed it.

Along with the rest they went outside so taehyung could do his work and yoongi gave blood.

After dressing her, taehyung came out along with yoongi and he told jimin to give yoongi some pomegranate juice and something to eat. (They're living in a jungle so they've trees so don't ask ridiculous questions about where the fruits came from)

Both left for the kitchen.

Taehyung washed his hands and came to sit along with everyone at the outside bench after dressing her.

"Taehyung how did your mother come here? I mean, according to namjoon's theory, only people who have a connection can come here but taehyung said that they had no contact with her for about 14 years", jin said.

Taehyung wipes his sweat from his forehead and says,

"Yes, me and jungkook have no contact but i don't know why or how she ended up here, but I've an idea, two year's back something happened between guk and her, after that our relationship got changed, maybe that connection...that's why...", taehyung said.

"Maybe she came here for those answers you're seeking for, also because you're her blood too", sasha explained.

"Hmmm maybe but i hate her, i hate her so much that i can sacrifice my entire career", taehyung's voice sounds venomous.

"But why you hated her that much, whatever she did, she's still your mother taehyung", hobi speaks.

"Because......", after that Taehyung explains everything to everyone and hears the truth they're shocked.

Jimin and yoongi also joined in between.

"Whatever but tae take care of her, okay, and listen, I'm going to petroling, let's see If I get any more clues to find Jungkook?", yoongi said and left.

Jimin said,

"Let her rest now, taehyung do whatever you need but don't kill her please. I know she's horrible but please", jimin said and taehyung shook his head as a yes.

Jimin didn't leave but helped Taehyung as best he could, his mother didn't have any major injuries except blood loss.

It's a miracle.

Still, Taehyung passed out a bottle of saline for who knows how long she had been in the jungle, but he didn't do it for her, he did because yoongi told him to take care of her.

That afternoon yoongi, hoseok and namjoon hunted a huge boar, and jin cooked it very well, after many days everyone got to eat the delicious pork.

When Taehyung's mother regains her consciousness at the late night after everyone's dinner, she finds Shasha in front of her.

"Who the fuck are you bitch, did you kidnapped me for money?", the first thing taehyung's mother spoked was this and sasha is shocked.

Did she just wake up from her unconscious, "maybe taehyung was right about her", she thought.

"No but....", before saaha replied she threw the wooden vas on her but she luckily dog it.

"The fuck", she screamed and before taehyung's mother throw something else she gave her an sleeping injection which taehyung prepared for her, in case she acted violent with her,

Guess taehyung's prediction was absolutely right.

Sasha didn't call anyone else to disturb their sleep but put her back to sleep with a sleeping injection.

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