Chapter 4 - Love is confusing.

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Val's pov:

Ugh why are men so confusing.

I looked back in front of me and walked more.

"My names val by the way!!" I said as i walk away more.

"Cool name!" He said with a chuckle.

I turned around and seen he has sat down on the floor with his back against the wall.

"Yea very cool and how about yours??" I said walking backwards.

"Jason. Not so cool but yea.." he mumbles the last words of his sentence.

A few minutes later, I arrived up to the door of lunchroom slowly and looked inside and couldn't find nini. I wonder if she is looking for me, she is the type to worry if I had went off to look for jason to kill him.

I went in the lunchroom and went back to the table we were sitting at and she was there.


The bell rang and we all rushed together to our next class.

The day ended. It was really boring and dreadful especially for me.

Afterall I loved talking to nini but man she can get a bit annoying too. I don't know how I can even stand her at this point. I don't need a new friend though, this one is a keeper.

It was storming outside again. Nina keeps talking about that party last night.

My best friend literally hosts the best parties in town.

She is amazinggggg.

But my headache hasn't gone away yet since this morning. I probably need to chug it down.

I wonder if she has time for tonight.

It doesn't hurt to ask, right?

I walked to her locker room because she has practice tomorrow and wants to warm up for tomorrow and the big game coming up.

I waited for her practice warm up to finish so that we can chug our hungover down.

I was on my phone scrolling through it, when I heard like a thud outside of the doorway, near where are the benches where i am.

I walked out and seen Jason walking like a dead zombie to his car while he looks for his keys in his pockets of his jacket and pants.

I walk up to him and held him up as i look up at him and his eyes were dilated from all of his drugs and stuff he has in his system.

"Hey Jason, what happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh it's you again" he replied with an attitude that i didn't like.

It's fine val just cut him some slack. Dude is literally not thinking straight.

"Yes it's me again. Val. Now what happened to you?? Also where are your keys?? Im going to drive you home ok?? Is that ok????"

"While you're at it feed me too please?" He looked at me with a pouty face and I rolled my eyes

"Fine but don't give me that face ever again." He laughed hard and loud enough that you can hear it from other side of the school. As if i was telling a joke to him.

I looked at him confused with a mixture of concern in it then, I started to look for his key for a while then i checked his backpack on the ground and found it. I put him into his car after i opened it, then closed the door after he got in. I walked to the other side of the car and opened it then got into the car. I drove as soon as i got situated.

I started texting nini about the situation i am in while driving.

I know, im insane but this is an emergency.

Oh my god i can't even go to my apartment building because my brother and my dad ..

Oh fuck

Oh I know.

I texted nini. Told her im going to live in her apartment for a week or so.

I laughed at my genius idea.

Jason was sleeping in the car but mumbling about something.

I can't catch what he was trying to say but i stopped by a fast food place and grabbed us both dinner.

I parked Jason's car at the parking lot of Nini's building and ate after a while, he woke up.

He looked around irritated and confused as a lost puppy would look like. Then he looked at me and screamed then jumped as if he seen a ghost or something. But I was eating and enjoying my food just like an innocent little child that has been waiting all along to just eat, just to get interrupted by him and for it to let some of it fall off my hands before taking another bite.

I got scared as soon as he screamed got startled by whatever he got scared at.

"What the fuck, Jasonnnn???!!!!" I yelled at him angrily dragging out his name

"WHAT THE FUCK VAL???!!!" He yelled at me, as if he was supposed to be the angry one here.

Wow he his playing the victim now huh??

"I saved you and you treat me like ouch didn't know that was such a problem for me to even do." I scoffed in the end of my sentence.

" W-what do y-you mean??? You saved me???... how... what...???"

"Shit. Right, you don't remember because of how much shit you have had in the past hour. Thankfully I can help with that." I winked at him and continued eating

He just stared at me with a little smile.

I looked at him confused because i think i have seen him before, he looked too familiar. But he looked at me confused as I motioned to his food and looked back at him. I think he figured out what I was trying to tell him because he finally got his food out and ate.

Slow dickhead. Ugh.

After a while of being fat pigs, we got out of the car and went up the stairs to Nini's apartment. I have filled in Jason that I have the greatest best friend of the whole world that just agreed with my idea of living in her apartment for a week or so.

"...Amazing am I right??" I said panting while i stepped at the last step of staircase to get on Nini's floor. Jason looked at me concerned.

"You're someone to worry about at the moment". He said worryingly.

"Says the one who has been getting high on all of his drugs and not taking care of himself." I mumbled under my breath, while he just let out a loud sigh.

"I mean... you ought to know that I am known as the bad boy here ya know??" He laughed jokingly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I mocked his laugh.

We went into Nini's apartment after I have found the spare key, she has told me that was hidden ever since she was allowed to let me into her apartment by her parents because I'm just that amazing to her, then I opened the door to her apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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