Chapter 1 - The Party that started everything.

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POV of Valerie:

I got woken up by the stanky alarm as I moved my arm up to my phone where my drawer is, that's next to my bed.

When i reached over it I grabbed it and put it up and noticed it wasn't really my phone.

I sat straight up and looked around and, saw this boy laying next to me then realized what happened yesterday, last night, in flashbacks.

I was at a party. I've been going to parties recently it's been fun, not gonna lie.

It's been like that this whole month it's about to be Christmas and still haven't got the chance to buy presents to anyone.

I don't really have any to afford, and even if I did I wouldn't wanna waste my own money.

I've realized that this wasn't really my apartment it was Britannia's apartment I call her Nini for short.

We have been friends ever since we got out of our moms wombs.

I got up from her bed and decided to go to her closet and grab a pair of underwear and bra then grabbed a pair of sweats with a hoodie that's like a crop top

it is a really good outfit if you ask me.

( the fit is above this chapter )

Oh my god... where are my manners, forgot to even introduce myself.

Hi im Valerie my family and friends call me Val or vally/valley or even Vv but I rather stick with the rest and not Vv cause it got quiet annoying when my dad kept calling me that when I was a little younger.

i rather stick with val.

I don't really like mentioning my past but let's go through the highlights of them I guess.

So as I mentioned earlier I've had this best friend, which is a girl and ever since

I came out of my moms womb

so did she, instead of her moms womb

...Anyways we have had arguments but it's over the stupid shit if you ask me.

The good thing is that we always make up so we have no problem of that stuff.

You can say that Nini is a very annoying, shy and girly yet quirky girl ever but i fucking love her.

I trust her.

Only her.

We share each other with everything we have, and everything you can think of.

We've had laughs. We've had cries. We've yell out loud cause our anger and emotions got the best of us.

Don't get me wrong it still does. We both basically got through everything anytime and we would be there for each other no matter what.

I feel so comfortable around her. And i know she does too. We both know we love and appreciate each other

and i know that sounds cringe but it feels nice to have someone to understand you, you know?

Oh and i forgot to mention I have a little brother Aiden, he is two years younger than me. He is so overprotective of me. He says it is for the best as what my dad says too.

Im heading out of the building and walk over to my building that is only blocks away.

It was only 7:45am there is still time to go to school. I went into my building and went up the stairs to my apartment and went into my apartment.

ugh this headache isn't going away any longer now is it?

i grabbed my advil in my bathroom as i head to my room.

My dad, Matt, had us move in with one of his friends building that works as a landlord. In New York.

I know, right?

New york????

Worst . place . ever .


After my mom had the accident we couldn't stay in the suburbs anymore. My dad said it was best for us because we weren't going to move on from her memory. Which I think it is bull shit to be honest.

I really liked it there. He made a choice without anyone's permission. Like at all.

It was really hard for us to get along after he made that decision because ...oh man I was really pissed.

But we got here so I guess that's fun...

I was in my room showering when I hear my brother banging my door so hard and loud as if I don't hear him.

"Hurry up, you rat!" Aiden yelled through the door as he is banging on the door like his life depended on it.

"Bitch" I mumbled.

I got out of the shower and got all dressed up. I went out of the bathroom not seeing my brother out of my room but outside of our building waiting for us to be on our way.

I ran down the stairs because it was getting a bit late for school.

We walked as fast as we could to the school, when we got there people were going in already and the crowd was shrinking little by little.

My brother had already went into the building.

But i just stood in front of the building between the parking lot.

I took a deep breath and went into the building.

Hello Junior year.

People were already getting ready to go to class. Some were being assholes and pushing almost everyone in the hallways, which by the way is so rude because like come on have manners you assholes.

End of Valerie's POV :

N :

Valerie went in her first class which was English. She saw her best friend, Nini. She sat next to her as soon as she saw her in the room.

They hugged and talked about last night and the party while working on their assignment.

The class ended.

Nini and Valerie didn't have the next with each other.

They hugged each other again but it was the last time and went to their classes.

Valerie got into her math class. She sat on the very back of the room.

She gets bored and uses her phone and listens to music. But she manages to work and finish up her assignment.

While she was working on that the teacher was calling her name out loud, she couldn't hear because of her rock music.

She is really into rock and metal music. It calms her down and let's her focus on the work she is doing.

End of N :

Valerie's POV :

I was doing my work, and i heard my teacher calling my name. I took my headphones off, and looked up at her as I turned the volume down.  I saw this boy next to my teacher I was confused about why she wanted my attention. She ended up asking if I didn't mind the boy named Jason to sit next to me. I just nodded and moved my things off from the seat next to me.

~ hi hope you like the boom so far <3 btw pls vote :) and comment suggestions 😊

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