Part 8

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It was getting dark. I should head home...

I spend my afternoon in the park, replaying everything in my head. I ended up embarrassing myself, by crying in public. I just couldn't stop myself.

I stood up and started my trip home. I put on some music, and I walked on the sidewalk to my house.

When I arrived, I softly opened the door and closed it after. I saw my mom sitting at the kitchen counter. With a bottle of wine... 

"Mom, are you drinking again?", I asked. "What, no! Go to your room, Julie!", she said. And she was definitely drunk. "My name's Grace...", I said, with pain in my heart. Julie was supposed to be my twin sister, only she died during birth. Every time I heard her name, I couldn't stop thinking about her.

"And you shouldn't drink, Mom! Being drunk is a sin!", I said, irritated. I really couldn't believe her. Why on Earth would she drink again? 

I picked up my phone and started typing in my Dad's name. I had to call him, I had no choice. I didn't know how to handle her.

I heard the ringing tone, and after a few seconds, someone picked up. "Hello?", I heard a female voice, probably his new girlfriend. "Hi, can you hand me William?", I asked, as politely as possible. "William! Someone wants to speak to you!", the woman shouts. "He is coming, just wait for a bit..."

After a couple of seconds, I hear Dad's voice. "Hailey, why did you pick up my phone? I told you not to!", Dad angrily says. "Hi, sorry, what's going on?", he asks. "Mom, she drank again... I don't know what to do, Dad!", I panic a bit, but my father calms me a bit. 

"Okay, don't worry, angel. I'm going to be there as quickly as possible", he responds. "What are you gonna do?", I hear the same female voice say in the background. "Jane has a problem again, I got to go, Peach..." "Can I come too? I want to meet Grace so bad!", I smile a bit, I would want to meet this woman.

"No, Hailey. I don't think Grace is in the mood...", he says and then returns back to me. "Grace, I am on my way, don't worry!" "Can you bring that woman too? She seems really nice, I could use to be cheered up a bit...", I carefully ask and hope for a yes. 

"Uhm, maybe another time, angel...", he replies, and I am a bit disappointed. "Okay-", I hear glass shatter. I look behind me, and my mom is going insane. She is throwing dishes on the floor, and this is bringing me back to another memory.

"Jane, why on Earth are you drinking again?!", Dad yelled, forcefully. "I didn't, stop accusing me of something I clearly didn't do! Why are you never shutting up about me doing something wrong?! Can you tell me why I married you again?", Mom responded, very drunk.

I was about 10 years old, and my parents were fighting almost every day. I used to hear their yelling and shouting when I tried to sleep. I cried every night because it was so awful.

"Jane, I cannot believe you just said that! How could you say that?", my father didn't take that very well. "Well, because I fucking can, and I don't care what you think, William!", I heard glass shattering, and screams of pain.

"Ouch! Why did you just cut me, are you insane, Jane?!", Dad said, and I could imagine his pain. The thought only made me cry even more. 

"I am done with you!", I heard footsteps coming closer. "Angel, let's go. Mom is a bit angry. Maybe it is better if we just leave for the night...", Dad opened the door and said. I nodded, and he took my hand. 

"What happened to Mom? Why is she like this?", I asked him, and he just stayed silent. Once I got a few things together, Dad and I walked downstairs. I saw my mother in the worst state ever. 

"What are you doing?! Where are you going?! Are you going to hook up with some random whore again? You can't bring Grace!", she yelled, and I held my dad tight. Mom scared me so much.

"Leave us alone, Jane!", he responded, and we walked towards the front door. I heard a scream, and I looked back. A glass bowl was flying my way. I couldn't react, and it hit my head. It hit the ground and shattered. I touched my forehead, where it hit me. Blood was dripping from my face, and the only thing I could think about was screaming.

My father grabbed my hand, and we ran out of the house... Horrible memories.

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