Chapter 14: Dream

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Last night while I was sleeping, I suddenly had this weird dream and In my dream, I was in our classroom, just like any other day. I was sitting at my desk, looking at my phone minding my own business, until suddenly, someone grabbed my phone. I wanted to get it back but I couldn’t, I don't know why I couldn't move, maybe it's because it was just a dream. Then everything was blurry. The face of the person who took it was hard to recognize, but the only thing I saw was Marky. His face was not unrecognizable like any other people in my dream, but all I knew was he was there with the person who took my phone.

The anonymous person returned my phone and when I got my phone back, I saw a bad text message had been sent to the president of our school production. I tried to fix it, but it was too late. Everything happened so fast that the president came to our room immediately and told me to go to the guidance office.

I couldn't recall or remember what happened next, but I do remember running back to the classroom, crying. Marky was waiting at the door. I was so angry, I blamed him for everything and started hitting him. But he didn't fight back. He just said sorry and looked at me. And while I was crying, he just held my hands and crossed his arms around me. With his warm embrace he said his sorry and then he told me that Larky was the one who took my phone and sent the message, he was trying to stop his twin sister but he couldn't do it,  And Marky on the other hand is just watching everything that happened.

My heart was beating so fast it hurt. I felt like it broke into pieces. My eyes snapped open, I’m covered in cold sweats and catching my breath. Then my heart felt strange as if my dreams were giving me a warning of something.

I stole a glance at my phone, noting it was still too early to start the day. However, instead of snuggling back into my sheets, I decided to head downstairs to whip up some breakfast. As I waited for the sun to rise, I began getting ready for school. Once I was prepared, I sat by the window, expecting Gavvy to swing by and pick me up as usual.

But he didn't show up.

I decided to head to school on my own and was surprised to find Marky waiting for me. His twin sister, Larky, was noticeably absent. I took my usual seat and Matky went to sit beside me and struck up a conversation.

Eventually, Gavvy showed up, Larky in tow. I shot him a look of jealousy, which he seemed to ignore. However, when he noticed me chatting with Marky, his focus shifted from Larky to me. He returned to his seat, with his expression unreadable.

He went to his seat and pushed Marky out of it. Once he was seated, I turned to him and asked, "Why didn't you pick me up?" He met my gaze and replied, "I was busy. By the time I got to your house, you had already left."

I shot him a skeptical look, my voice laced with doubt as I responded, "That's a lie. I waited outside my house for almost an hour. I didn't see you at all.”

He turned to me, his face serious as he replied, "Look, I was late because I saw Larky having trouble with her car."

Stubbornly laughing, I retorted, "Oh, so you're a mechanic now? That's news to me. I didn't even know you knew how to use a wrench."

Gavvy muttered under his breath, "Of course you didn't, because you never bothered to ask."

Taken aback, I responded defensively, "What do you mean? I've always asked about you, but you never share anything about yourself."

Gavvy seemed to ponder this for a moment before proposing an idea. "Alright, how about this? Starting from today, every time we talk to each other, we have to ask something we genuinely want to know about the other person. No refusals, no denials, just honest answers."

Upon hearing his suggestion, I found myself agreeing to his terms. It seemed like a fair and straightforward way to learn more about each other.

The teacher walked in shortly after, settling into her desk before announcing our new project for PAPDIA (Personal and Physical Development in the Arts). We were to interview local artists about their struggles with creating artwork. The project required us to form groups of four.

Turning to Gavvy, I suggested, "Hey, let's ask Marky and Larky to join our group." He responded with a nonchalant, "Yes, and?"

Confused, I shot back, "What do you mean 'yes, and?' Are you trying to be a famous singer or something?"

He reminded me, "You seem to have forgotten our agreement. We just made it a few minutes ago."

"Oh, right," I said, remembering our deal. "So, when did you start writing songs?"

He laughed at the randomness of my question before answering, "That's a bit out of the blue, but okay. I've loved music since preschool. I was in the hospital once, and my roommate would sing songs to me. We became best friends, but when I woke up one day, he was gone. The nurse told me he had been discharged while I was still unwell. Later, in junior high, I fell in love for the first time. That's when I started writing songs. I wanted my first love to be the first one to hear my music."

His story triggered a memory, and I found myself saying, "What a strange coincidence. I was hospitalized too, and I had a roommate who had leukemia. We became friends, but he passed away before I was discharged.”

Gavvy smirked and said, "Alright, now it's my turn to ask. What is your type when it comes to finding a lover?"

I pondered for a moment before replying, "Honestly, I don't have a specific type. I just want someone who is genuine, kind, and treats me well."

Gavvy chuckled, shaking his head. "Dude, you're being too shallow. You might end up hurting yourself with that mindset."

In my mind, I couldn't help but think, "Wow! Coming from you, that's rich."

Putting that aside, we approached Marky and Larky, inviting them to join our group for the project. When I was asking Marky, I looked into his eyes, and I remembered the dream I had last week. My heart started to beat fast, as if I was in trouble, reminding me of the events in my dreams that made me tear up.

(To be continued….)


gawin - u.e
Clint - wearing your aviator hat

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