Chapter 12 : Mom?!

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As I speak my first line, a feeling of anxiety comes over me. But, as the play continued and we delved into each scene, a warmth filled my heart, replacing the nerves with a sense of joy and contentment. Our acting prowess left the audience impressed, scene after scene, and the play seemed to be progressing flawlessly.

Yet, in the middle of the performance, a disaster struck. My mind went blank, and a sense of panic consumed me as I struggled to recall my lines. Just as the silence threatened to stretch on, Gavvy gracefully stepped in, improvising lines that took my breath away. He spoke with a raw honesty, confessing, "I've known you for a while now, and we're more than just friends. We're close, even best friends. There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought of you, remembering your preferences, buying you your favorite spicy food, and even closing my mouth when I eat because I know it annoys you. It's because I care deeply for you. You know, there are moments when I'm with you that I just want to kiss you, even if we're surrounded by others. When you asked me why I was doing all this, I didn't have an answer. Maybe I'm going crazy, but when I kiss you, my heart skips a beat. And when you asked me what we are, and I said friends, I lied. I don't want us to be just friends... I like you!"

My heart fluttered at his heartfelt words, and I found myself rendered speechless. Everything felt so real, so genuine, that I couldn't bring myself to respond. Gavvy's confession went beyond acting; it was a revelation of his true feelings. In that moment, the boundaries between the script and reality blurred, leaving me in awe of the depth of our connection.

The highly anticipated kissing scene was next, as Gavvy leaned in, his forehead gently touching mine. With closed eyes, I could feel his lips inching closer to mine. As our lips finally met, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers, their excitement filling the theater. The curtain slowly descended, signaling the end of the play, but Gavvy and I remained lost in the moment, still locked in a passionate kiss.

Suddenly, the director's voice cut through the applause, urging us to stop. "You two, enough! The show is over, no, literally the show is over" she exclaimed, a hint of amusement in her tone. We reluctantly pulled apart, our lips parting, and Gavvy wrapped his arms around my waist, embracing me tightly. He held my hands, and made our way to the backstage, while the adrenaline was still running through our veins.

As we found ourselves in the privacy of the backstage area, Gavvy turned to me and asked, "How was my acting?" In that moment, a wave of realization washed over me. "Ah... (sigh)," I sighed, a mix of devastation and disappointment filling my heart. It occurs to me that what had happened and said on stage was all part of the play, a performance meant to captivate the audience and evoke emotions.

Though disheartened by the realization, I couldn't deny the intensity of the connection I felt with Gavvy during that moment. The lines between fiction and reality had blurred, leaving me with a bittersweet longing for something more.

Then after the successful play, Gavvy asked me to join him to buy some snacks outside so we decided to step outside to buy some drinks and celebrate our achievement. But, our celebration was cut short when I spotted my mother outside the auditorium. Curious and a bit apprehensive, we approached her, only to find a surprising scene.

There, in front of my mother, was a table filled with photo cards for sale. But these weren't just any pictures; they were photos of Gavvy and me. And what’s more surprising is that Rayvyn was there too. My heart raced as I picked up one of the cards, revealing an image of us rehearsing the kissing scene, and another where we were cuddling together in the same bed. I was left speechless.

I decided to confront my mom, demanding an explanation for the unfolding events. With a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, she confessed, "Oh, honey, I'm sorry, but Rayvyn and I orchestrated the entire scenario. The play, the roles, and even the unexpected replacement of Rayvyn with you, were all part of our elaborate plan." Intrigued, I inquired, "Since when did you two even meet?" She replied, "Do you remember the day Gavvy picked you up from home, and you forgot your lunch? I brought it to your school, and that's when I saw you two together. Initially, I didn't think much of it. However, Rayvyn approached me, pointing out, 'Is that your son over there? They look like they're dating.' I dismissed her, saying I heard Gavvy mention he didn't like my son in that way. Rayvyn then concocted a plan to bring you closer by spreading rumors that Gavvy was an idol trainee, sparking interest and leading you to the school auditorium. From that point on, Rayvyn and I formed an alliance to ensure you two grew closer."

Hearing this revelation left me in an unexplainable mixture of emotions. Gavvy, on the other hand, found the whole situation amusing. The realization that our journey to this moment had been subtly orchestrated by mother left me bewildered. Gavvy and I exchanged glances, our cheeks flushed with embarrassment, both of us at a loss for words. Despite the initial shock and embarrassment, a part of me felt a little grateful. This setup had given Gavvy and me the opportunity to explore our feelings for each other, feelings that might have remained hidden otherwise.

In the middle of the chaos in the aftermath of the theater play and the revelation of our mothers' matchmaking efforts, Gavvy reached out and took my hand. In that simple gesture, I felt a silent promise, an unspoken agreement to face whatever challenges came our way, hand in hand. Afterward, we all went home together, with Rayvyn joining us for lunch. As soon as we arrived, I headed to the kitchen to prepare a simple yet delicious meal - Adobo. While I cooked, my mom set the table, inviting Gavvy and Rayvyn to join us. We enjoyed the meal together, and afterwards, we took a well-deserved rest before heading back to school.

Arriving at the school, Rayvyn parted ways as she belonged to a different class. As we entered the classroom, our classmates greeted us with congratulations and playful teasing, celebrating the success of the play. Our teacher also arrived, extending their congratulations and sharing the news that we would have new classmates the following day - not just one, but two. The anticipation and curiosity filled my heart, wondering if they would be handsome or pretty, and whether they were lovers or siblings. Excitement consumed my thoughts, momentarily causing me to forget about Gavvy.

As the class ended, Gavvy and I walked home together. Lost in my own excitement, I failed to notice Gavvy's pouting expression. Concerned, I asked, "What's wrong with you?" He replied, "I'm right here beside you, but your mind seems so far away." At that moment, a tinge of jealousy washed over me. I quickly comforted Gavvy, pushing aside thoughts of the new classmates, and focused my attention on him, ensuring he felt valued and loved.

(To be continued…)



Gawin - u.e
clint - hi love (basically him saying I love you back) -03/29/2024

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