Chapter 10 : burger steak

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It was a peaceful Sunday morning. I had just woken up, enjoying the prospect of a rest day. With no practice scheduled and the script I'd been laboring over finally complete, I was eager to see my story come to life on stage. Rousing myself from bed, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up before descending the stairs to prepare breakfast for my family. Once in the kitchen, I wear an apron, ready to work my culinary magic.

I opened the fridge, scanning its contents, pondering over what to prepare for breakfast. Despite my efforts, I struggled to settle on a dish. Deciding to seek inspiration elsewhere, I headed upstairs to retrieve my phone, intending to browse food recipes online. As I picked up my phone, it began to ring. Glancing at the screen, I saw that it was Gavvy calling.

Upon answering, Gavvy's voice filled the line, "Hey, let's go out and eat. I'm craving some burger steak." His words sparked an idea, and I quickly replied, "Hey, um, I don't feel like going out right now, but how about you come over? I'll cook your burger steak here."

"Really?!!! I'm on my way to your house right now!" Gavvy responded, his excitement palpable even through the phone. With his response, I hung up the phone and returned to the kitchen, ready to deliver on my promise.

I went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge and gathered the necessary ingredients. Starting it with washing the vegetables, I then defrosted the ground beef. After cleaning the vegetables, I chopped the carrots, onions, and garlic, combining them with the ground beef in the food processor. After adding the necessary seasoning, I shaped the mixture into burger patties, then began the cooking process. Once the patties were frying, I started on the sauce.

As I waited for the sauce to simmer, a knock echoed through the house. Hastily, I made my way to the door, opening it to find Gavvy waiting eagerly on the other side.

I welcomed Gavvy inside, asking him to make himself comfortable while I finished up with the cooking. As I returned to the kitchen, I found my mother setting the table. I moved to turn off the stove and serve the food, but my mom interrupted me with a question. "Van, did you purposely wake up early to cook for your crush?" she asked. I replied, slightly flustered, "Mom, no! What if he heard you? And since when did you know I liked Gavvy?" She responded, "Since high school. I knew the moment I saw him that he was the one my son liked." I quickly retorted, "Mom, it just so happens that I wanted to cook, and he wanted to eat out, so I invited him over." My mom gave me a skeptical look, not entirely convinced, but we continued with our meal preparations.

Once the food was ready, I called Gavvy to join us at the dining table. We bowed our heads in prayer before commencing our meal. As Gavvy took his first bite, I watched him closely, hoping he would enjoy the food. His satisfied expression was all the confirmation I needed, and we continued our meal. My mom, unable to resist, started to ask Gavvy questions. Despite my protests, Gavvy assured us it was okay, and my mom's questioning carried on until we finished eating.

After the meal, I cleared the table and headed to the sink to wash the dishes. As I stood up, Gavvy remarked, "You look pretty good with that apron on." My mom, overhearing this, flashed a mischievous smile and excused herself to feed the dog in the backyard. Surprised, I reminded her, "But mom, we don't have a dog." Unfazed, she replied, "The neighbor's dog is hungry," and left us alone. I apologized to Gavvy for my mom's unusual behavior, but he brushed it off, complimenting my mom for being cool.

I then asked Gavvy why he was up so early, to which he replied that he was going to Rayvyn's house to spend the night to memorize lines and build chemistry for the play. I scolded him about his lack of overnight clothes, and he confessed that he forgot to bring any, because as soon as I told him that I'll cook, he rushed from his home to my house to come over for the meal.

I didn't say anything and proceeded on doing the dishes. Just as we were finishing up with the dishes, my phone rang. It was the director/president, asking if I could help Gavvy memorize the script since Rayvyn had fallen ill and couldn't practice. Eagerly, I agreed and shared the news with Gavvy. His eyes lit up with relief and gratitude, "That's great, Van. I was actually worried about the memorization part. Thanks for helping out."

With the meal concluded and dishes cleaned, Gavvy and I move to the living room to begin our work on the script. In the midst of our discussion, I suggested to Gavvy that he should stay over for the night. He instantly agreed, but only if my mother was okay with it. I immediately went looking my mother to get her approval. I initially checked the backyard, but finding it empty, I moved towards the front porch where I found her. Before I could even ask, she preemptively gave her consent, "Yes, Gavvy can sleep over." Surprised, I asked her, "How did you know? Are you eavesdropping?" She simply chuckled and replied, "No, you two were so loud I could hear you from here." With my mother's approval, I invited Gavvy to my room.

I went back inside and told him that we should go to my room. As we settled in my room, we dove into the script, practicing lines and discussing character motivations. Hours slipped by until dawn was upon us. I suggested we take a break, particularly because the next scene to rehearse was the dreaded kissing scene. The prospect made me nervous, and I found myself repeatedly pushing back the break time until it was evening. Gavvy, growing slightly annoyed, insisted we needed to finish as the theater play was the following day. Realizing the urgency, I agreed to continue rehearsing, but the kissing scene loomed over us.

I reminded Gavvy that I was merely the scriptwriter and not his co-actor, but he insisted, "How can I feel the chemistry if you're not going to help me with this scene?" Left with no choice, I agreed to act out the scene with him. As the lines were delivered, the moment I had been dreading arrived. I gently closed my eyes, bracing myself for the kiss. Gavvy leaned in, his breath warm against my face. For a fleeting moment, our lips met. It was supposed to be a brief, professional kiss, but Gavvy didn't pull away.

I gently pushed him back, reminding him that the kissing scene was over. However, the look in his eyes conveyed a yearning for more. He reached up, cradling the back of my head, and pulled me in for another kiss. This time, the kiss was more intense, more passionate. I found myself reciprocating, caught up in the moment. Suddenly, the distinct sound of a camera shutter echoed in the room. It sounded as if someone had taken a photo of us.

(To be continued…)


gawin - unofficial editor
clint - sorry

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