Chapter 28 : The Anguish of the Empire

Comenzar desde el principio

The giant flagship become wrapped in an even larger explosion, accompanied by the roaring sound of destruction. Right before Armos's eyes, the Soviet anti-ship missiles, which individually had enough firepower to destroy a cruiser, erased the flagship Mille from existence, along with its crew and wyvern lords. The leftover noise from the blast echoed across the water

Armos: Wha... wha... what the hell?! What just happened?!

Distress ensued

"Numerous flying objects are incoming!!!"

The fleet broke formation, each ship starting to move on its own without orders


Another flash... and another roar...

"The Fissennuss has been lost!!!"

The Parpaldia Empire's cutting-edge 100-gun ship-of-the-line Fissennuss, sporting the most advanced antimagic steel plating, was the pride of the empire, and it disintegrated into dust after a single attack. Flashes and roars erupted one after another

"Dragon carrier Ganam, lost!!! Dragon carrier Masale, lost!!!"

Tragic reports kept coming in as the mysterious objects kept, without missing even once, blowing up dragon carriers

Armos: This... this is impossible! The empire's peerless dragon carrier fleet was, in such a... impossible!!!

Vice Admiral Armos worked his brain at full capacity, trying desperately to identify anything in his life experience that could explain what was going on. Nothing from any of his battles was able to help him make sense of what he saw before his eyes

Armos: Could... could it be...? Are these the Ancient Sorcerers' magic bombs of light?!

"One's coming for our ship!!!"

the lookout shrieked, the crew screamed. The vice admiral's flash of insight never went anywhere

The Soviet Air Forces's Sukhoi Su-35S and Soviet Navy's Lun-class Ekranoplans and their barrage of anti-ship missiles sank all 20 ships in the Parpaldia Empire's dragon carrier fleet and its gunboat escorts

Nishinomiyako, Kingdom of Fenn

The majority of Papaldia's great fleet was stationed offshore of the Kingdom of Fenn's town of Nishinomiyako. On the deck of the flagship, the Parpaldia Empire's 120-gun super-F class ship-of-the-line Pall ("super-F" meaning "super-Fissennuss," in the way that a battleship higher than a dreadnought is called a "super-dreadnought"), General Cius of the imperial army was looking out to the west. Because this planet was larger than Earth, the horizon was much further away

Cius simply looked, unmoving. His forehead was drenched in sweat. The sound of numerous explosions had come from that direction. After the sounds stopped, the army could not contact any of the 20 ships in the dragon carrier fleet or its escort. None of their magical communicators were responsive and, unbelievably enough, even their magical signatures had completely disappeared. For twenty ships from their unrivaled fleet to be lost in such an insanely short period of time, without even being able to contact command, Cius couldn't even imagine what could have happened. The rest of the fleet was already on alert, and four gunboats were sent to their last known location to investigate

Cius's mind: (What if the dragon carrier fleet was wiped out...)

Cius immediately thought of the worst-case scenario. They had already established a base in Nishinomiyako, their ground forces had already departed for the capital Amanoki, and 20 gunboats were also dispatched to serve as support. Things were already in motion; nothing could be taken back now. The emperor was very interested in this invasion; even if they faced a strong enemy, he would forgive neither retreat nor defeat

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