Let me take care of it||ch-8

Start from the beginning

Jeonghan signed, running a hand through his hair as he tried to calm down.

Tina took his silence as a sign to continue. "Rule number one is-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Jeonghan groaned. If he wanted to, he could've punched Tina in the face at the very moment, but he was a nice person that didn't hit girls, so he held himself back.

"Good, then follow the rules." She glared at him. "Because I don't feel like expelling another student." She did a small hair flip, an evil grin slowly occupying her face.

Jeonghan wanted to say something but he knew it was a loosing battle. He couldn't win against the principal's daughter.

"Ok, should we start?" The drama teacher said, entering the room.

The mischievous expression that was on Tina's face vanished in seconds and was replaced with an innocent one.

"Sir, I have a question?" She said.

"Go ahead." Replied the oldest in the room.

"Will there be a kissing scene?"

Jeonghan clenched his fist. He wanted to punch the nearest wall and walk out. This girl was so annoying.

"As far as I know," he took a second to reply as he read something on the notepad that was in his hands. "No." He said looking up to the girl.

Jeonghan signed with relief. Thank God. He wouldn't be found dead kissing a girl, especially this one. 

Tina looked disappointed for a moment, but her expression didn't last long. It changed into something that was unreadable, Jeonghan took notice of that but decided to ponder on it later.


As if the day couldn't go any peculiar, Joshua found himself sitting in the cafeteria with Chan, Jun, and Seokmin. And no Jeonghan.

Strange, Joshua thought. Usually it would be the opposite. Joshua would be the one skipping lunch and Jeonghan would be worrying like a mother. But today was truly strange.

Is this what Jeonghan felt like everytime Joshua wouldn't come to lunch? No appetite and no will to get up and be productive.

Atleast he wasn't board. His friends were there but even they weren't enough to get Joshua to take a bite of his sandwich. It didn't feel right. He would always eat with Jeonghan, whether it would sneaking food in class or eating on the bus ride home. He would always eat with Jeonghan.

Joshua signed, wondering what Jeonghan would be doing right now. He thinks if Jeonghan actually did get the time to eat anything, being the school's favourite. Or if he's just been surviving off of that singular apple he's had since early morning.

Hopefully he isn't starving. Joshua looked at his own plate before deciding to eat.

Oh how wrong he was.


Jeonghan was starving.

Having to tolerate Tina and then do basketball practice all with an empty stomach definitely wasn't easy.

I'll Always Look For You||Jihan~Where stories live. Discover now