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I just realised that I didn't post part nine 😭😭

*Grace's pov*

Andrea, Amos, Theo, or Aaron got murdered last night by the kiss of death.

It was hard for me to figure out how to deliver the kiss, but soon enough, the deal was sealed.

Next morning.
(Aaron's pov)

I walked in behind Fay, pumped at the fact that I was still here.

"Looking at that board, excluding Amos and Keiran cause they've only just got here, who's never been under any sort of scrutiny?" Wilf asked.

"Um... Amanda, Grace, or Theo," Fay responded.

"I don't think it could be Grace. She ate the last cookie and could lie about it," I told them, smiling at the memory that happened only the day before.

There's another knock on the door, and I can only pray that it's Grace.

Amanda and Theo walk in.

There's another knock on the door. Meryl and Maddy walk in.

Again, where is Grace?

Amos, Hannah, Andrea, and Grace were left.

Hannah and Andrea walked in. I was happy, but where the heck is Grace??

"Who do you think is not going to come through the door?" Fay asked the group, but no one answers.

There's another knock on the door, and Grace walked in. Andrea and Keiran were both gutted that Amos was gone, and so was I, but I was so happy that Grace was still here.

"Amos is the 6th person to be murdered, and his fate was sealed by the traitors at last night's party. Keiran, wanna help me take his portrait down? Andrea, I think you should have this," Claudia walked over to Andrea, giving her Amos's portrait.

For today's mission, we needed to split into three teams. I was going to make sure I was on Grace's team.

"We're coming for you, traitors," Andrea said.

-Games room-

Me, Wilf, Andrea, Maddy, Meryl, and Fay were sat in the games room just chatting about what Claudia said this morning.

"Does everybody think because I think Claudia was suggesting ways of thinking, she said, 'This mission may help you'?" Andrea reminded us.

"But she also said about last night," Fay began. Grace pulled a chair over and sat next to me.

"I think that was key, and nobody's picked up on that she said Amos's fate was last night at the party."

-the hallway-
(Grace's pov)

I was walking inside the castle with Theo and Keiran.

"Who are you thinking now?" He asks.

"It's Aaron and Fay," Theo responded almost straight away. "Everyone broke down, and they were anxious."

-mission nine-

We were going on a 'truth hunt'; we had to answer a statement based on fellow players.

Before the mission, Aaron was begging me to join his team, but I already promised Amanda I'd be on hers. So I was on yellow, while he was on red.

We got to the first one; Theo ran out and got the first question.

Q1: TRUE or FALSE: according to the group, will is the most likely to cheat a lie detector test?

We went false and it was right.

Q2: TRUE or FALSE: Meryl would commit and illegal crime for 1 million pounds?

We went true. And it was true.

Q3: TRUE or FALSE: According to the group Fay is the most controlling player?

We went true. It was correct much to Fay's dismay.

Q3: TRUE or FALSE: The majority of the group think that Andrea and Hannah are the players that put in the least effort?

We went false. And got it right. Me,Andrea and Fay were singing 'go yellow, go yellow' in the back.

Q4: TRUE or FALSE: The majority of the group think Theo is the funniest?

We went true.

"Awww! Thanks, guys, that you think I'm funny. Honestly, I'm more useless than a chocolate fireguard. WRONG!! Fuming!" Theo said.

As everyone finished in time, £6,000 pounds added to the pot.

-Round table-
-Prize pot total £74,100

"It's horrible, it's all a horrible situation. The group gets smaller, it gets harder, we're building stronger bonds, but it's head over heart at this time. You can't lead with emotions."

"So, we've been doing the shield thing where we protect the team. We don't tell each other who has the shield, and it does work. With that being said, yesterday's mission was a turning point for me," Theo began to explain his theory.

"Because I realize Amos is on our team, nobody's gonna go for the other team, as they've got the shield. So, it leaves only 5 people: me, Amanda, Aaron, Andrea, and Grace. Which person didn't really have a connection with Amos as strong as the rest of us? That leaves you, Aaron. So, for me, Amos is easy; for you, Aaron."

Aaron defended himself, then Hannah asked Maddy about her acting.


Theo: Aaron, sorry mate, just I have nothing to say.

Maddy: Aaron, because of the evidence I've given.

Andrea: Theo I'm so sorry

Aaron: Theo, I'm so sorry. I love you to bits, but, Theo...

Grace: I love you so much, Theo, but I've voted for you.

Amanda: Theo, I'm so sorry. You know I love you. I don't think it was Andrea.

Meryl: Maddy, because after everything

Wilf: Theo, I've voted for Aaron before. I'm just going in a different direction.

Hannah: Maddy, I've gone for you because of the acting thing.

Fay: Theo, you pointed your finger at me, which was really strange.

Keiran: Theo

Theo said, "I'm a faithful," and he walks out.

-The bar-

I was in the bar with Hannah and Aaron.

"I can't believe Amanda voted for Theo," Hannah said to us.

"It's wild," I said, pouring myself a drink. "Want one?" I ask.

"Yes, please," Aaron said.

"I might vote for her tomorrow if I'm here," Hannah said, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm not sure I'd be able to," I said honestly. "Like, I understand what you're saying, but Amanda is like a mother to me. It's hard to leave emotions out of it, you know."

The clock chimes, and we all go home.

-The Turret-

We were talking about how hard it is getting and how hard it's becoming to lie to everyone.

We could seduce or murder, which we decided to murder.

Wilf knew that Meryl has the shield and that we still could go for Keiran as Meryl would suspect him.





One of those three was getting murdered tonight. Amanda wrote the letter.


I have a plan.

Also quick question do you prefer longer chapters or shorter chapters?

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